Thursday, March 18, 2021

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 5 Nisan 5781/March 18, 2021

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Date: Thu, Mar 18, 2021, 5:15 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 5 Nisan 5781/March 18, 2021
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
March 18, 2021 - 5 Nisan 5781
News from the Agudah:

  • It is certainly no coincidence that the siyum on Meseches Pesachim is the same week as the yahrtzeit of the Novominsker Rebbe, ZTVK"L. Following, see further details of how the Agudah will be noting both events this coming Sunday, March 21, and this coming Monday, March 22. 
  • In conjunction with the siyum on Pesachim, Agudas Yisroel's Daf Yom Commission will hold an Azkarah this Sunday evening, 8:30 PM EST, with HaRav Aron Feldman, Rosh HaYeshiva of Ner Yisroel, being mesayeim Pesachim, and with divrei ha'arachah l'zeicher nishmas the Novominsker Rebbe given by HaRav Elya Brudny, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Mir, and HaRav Yisroel Perlow, Novominsker Rebbe. The siyum will be available to watch at or to listen to by calling 718-298.2077 x 52.
  • At 8:00 PM EST on Monday evening, Ki Heim Chayeinu, a division of the Agudah, will be celebrating the siyum on Pesachim. A new documentary on the life of the Novominsker Rebbe ZTVK"L will be shared with the audience and we will be treated to song and dance accompanied by the Masmidei HaSiyum choir. The siyum will be available to watch at For full details, please see the detailed picture below.

  • Do you live in Ohio? Agudath Israel of Ohio will be having a Pre-Pesach drive through for Hagalas Keilim and Shaimos drop off, see below for more details.

  • Don't live in Ohio and need to do Hagalas Keilim yourself? See below for the newest edition of Safah Berurah from the Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbonim on the halachos of Kashering for Pesach and year round.

  • Listen: Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, Director of Government Affairs, Agudath Israel of Illinois, was interviewed on CCI Radio Hour to talk about the Scholarship Tax Credit program in Illinois, click here to listen.

  • It's tax season! Want to become an accountant? See below for more details on PCS's upcoming open house.

  • Free shipping for our readers! Artscroll is offering an exclusive special for all of our readers when they order the Haggadah with the Torah of the Novominsker Rebbe zt'l. See below for more details and exclusive promo code.

  • Lomdei Daf Yomi worldwide will complete Maseches Pesachim just days before PesachThe special Halachah L'Maaseh shiurim in honor of the siyum given throughout this week will conclude tonight, at 9:00 PM EST, with a shiur  given by Rabbi Simcha Bunim Londinsky, and will be on Erev Pesach Shachal B'Shabbos. See below for how to watch and listen.
Daf Yomi Commission Siyum on Pesachim
Afikomen: Ki Heim Chayeinu Siyum on Pesachim
Ohio Pre-Pesach Drive Through
Agudath Israel of Ohio will be having a Pre-Pesach drive through for Hagalas Keilim and Shaimos drop off on Monday, March 22, from 4:00 - 8:00 PM EST, at the Sapirstein Campus, 1975 Lyndway Rd, Lyndhurst.

The Hagalas Keilim is being done under the Rabbinic supervision of Cleveland Kosher. There will be no cleaning on site, so make sure that everything is cleaned before. Also, please bring your own towels.

Shaimos Drop-Off: Please bring all shaimos packed nicely with papers and Seforim in separate bags. Rates will depend on size and weight.
The Halachos of Kashering for Pesach
The Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbonim is pleased to present a new sefer with instructions for the halachos of kashering your kitchen for Pesach and year-round
The sefer, Safah Berurah: The Halachos of Kashering for Pesach: Including the Halachos of Kashering Year Round, was compiled and written by Rabbi Yaakov Robinson, executive director of the Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbanim, and reviewed by Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, Dayan, Agudas Yisroel of Illinois. 
Click here to download a printable PDF.
In this season, it's also a good time to go back to Ki Heim Chayeinu's video series on kashering your kitchen! Many of the things discussed in this sefer are demonstrated in the video series, made in conjunction with the Star-K. You can view that series here.
The Novominsk Haggadah
Arscroll is offering our readers 10% off and free shipping when they use the promo code AgudahFree to order the Novominsk Haggadah from The Haggadah features insights from the Novominsker Rebbe, Rosh Agudas Yisroel, Rabbi Yaakov Perlow zt'l.
Is Accounting a Career Option for You?
Join the PCS Virtual Open House 
This Sunday, March 21st, at 7:30 EST PM, Agudas Yisroel's PCS division will be holding a virtual open house for its master's of science in accounting program, now offering options for students from out-of-town and Israel.

Earning a master's degree can be a valuable tool for advancement in the business world, but the atmosphere in a standard college can be trying and inappropriate. In order to address this hurdle, Agudath Israel's PCS Division, in conjunction with Fairleigh Dickinson University, is proud to offer a quality accounting certification within the comfort of our community.   

A master's in accounting from PCS is an investment for the future. Farleigh Dickinson University has one of the top accounting programs in the country. Graduates have been placed in top national firms as comptrollers and CFOs.
PCS also has a 96% placement success rate. With seven placement directors and decades of relationships with top firms, PCS works non-stop to ensure their students have the job security they need to grow in the business.  

Yeshiva and seminary credits are accepted.

To learn more about a stable, lucrative parnassah, with high-paying, flexible opportunities, join PCS's virtual open house this Sunday.  

For the Zoom link and the call-in information call 732-905-9700 x 665 or email  

For more information about the course contact (for the men's course) or (for the women's course).
Halacha L'Maaseh Shiur
On Monday, March 22nd/9 Nisan lomdei Daf Yomi worldwide will complete Maseches Pesachim. Agudas Yisroel's Daf Yomi Commission will sponsor a Worldwide Siyum Broadcast in conjunction with the first yahrzeit, l'zecher nishmas the Rosh Agudas Yisroel, HaRav Yaakov Perlow, Novominsker Rebbe ZT"L. The Siyum program will feature speakers who will share their memories and impart some of the most important lessons to be learned from the life and achievements of the beloved Novominsker Rebbe.
Throughout the week preceding the Siyum, (Monday evening, March 15th through Thursday, March 18th), the Agudah will host a 4-part Halachah L'Maseh series on topics relating to maseches Pesachim and the upcoming Yom Tov of Pesach, given by Rabbi Doniel Neustadt (Hilchos Bedikas and Biur Chometz), Rabbi Noach Issac Oelbaum (Mitzvas Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim), Rabbi Dovid Heber (Shiurei Leil HaSeder: Daled Kosos, Matzo, Marror), and Rabbi Simcha Bunim Londionsky (Erev Pesach on Shabbos). With Pesach around the corner, these audio/video presentations covering Pesach topics should be especially relevant. 

This 4-part series will be available to watch daily at 9:00 PM or call in at 718.298.2077 x 52.
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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