Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Fwd: This week’s Sichos + LIVE Farbrengen

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Date: Wed, Mar 17, 2021, 4:51 PM
Subject: This week's Sichos + LIVE Farbrengen
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להרשם לקבלת אימיילים בעברית לחצו כאן

שבעת ימים קודם יום הבהיר י"א ניסן - שנת המאה ועשרים
ת"ח על הברכות. וכבר מילתי' אמורה בפס"ד רז"ל שכל המברך מתברך בברכתו של הק' שתוס' מרובה על העיקר, בכמות וגם באיכות. ועיין ד"ה אריב"ל כל כהן (תרכ"ט) ובכ"מ. -בברכת חה"פ כשר ושמח מ. שניאורסאהן כוונתי (וכאלו נכתב כהנ"ל) לכאו"א
Thank you for the blessings. And it has already been said in the ruling of our sages, that whoever blesses will be blessed with the blessing of Hashem whose addition is greater than the primary, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
- With blessings for a Kosher and happy Pesach. /The Rebbe's Holy Signature/

My intent is (and as if all of the above was written) specifically to every individual.
Dear fellow learners of Likkutei Sichos, we are just one week away from the Rebbe's birthday, and the beginning of the Rebbe's 120th year. Let's give the Rebbe a birthday gift, to join, strength, and intensify our learning of Likkutei Sichos.

On Yud Alef Nissan, we would like to present to the Rebbe a list of people who have completed, or plan to complete, 120 Sichos. Those who will fill out their name on this duch at will be entered into a raffle for $1200 in Kehos.

The Rebbe gave us his treasure. Let's give the Rebbe a birthday present.
The 11 Nissan present is dedicated
לזכות החתן יוסף והכלה המהוללה שושנה שיחיו אוסטפלד
on the occasion of their chasuna this week.
Download the app from the App Store, or Google Play. 
Team Project Likkutei Sichos
ומלאה הארץ לקוטי שיחות
💥This week's Sichos💥
Chelek Yud  Zayin Vayikra Alef, Vayikra Beis
חלק יז • ויקרא • שיחה א
ויקרא - באל"ף זעירא
The Alter Rebbe's education of a 3-year-old Tzemach Tzedek what true humility means. The ability to recognize our own innate qualities, while not letting it get to our heads.
חלק יז • ויקרא • שיחה ב
אדם כי יקריב
A Rashi Sicha, explaining how we know that the Parsha refers to contributory sacrifices. The deeper explanation teaches that the whole concept of a sacrifice is about what comes from the heart. And in truth the sacrifice merely reveals the innate goodness and G-dliness that already exists in the heart.
Feature of the Week!
Chelek 17 Vayikra 2 Rabbi Yosef Kantor
Dedicated by Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald
נוסד לכבוד י׳ שבט שבעים שנה.
לע״נ החסיד ר׳ אהרן ב״ר יהושע שניאור זלמן סערעבריאנסקי ע״ה
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