Thursday, April 29, 2021

Fwd: For Your Wellbeing; Don't Fear Greatness; Weddings and Lag BaOmer

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Apr 29, 2021, 7:41 PM
Subject: For Your Wellbeing; Don't Fear Greatness; Weddings and Lag BaOmer
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May is Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Orthodox Union

Throughout the month of May, we invite you to join us in strengthening the mental health of our community. Visit, where you'll discover practical and usable resources from our communal partners to help raise awareness of this critical issue that affects us all.

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PARSHAT EMOR April 30-May 1, 2021 / 19 Iyar 5781


HAFTARAH Ezekiel 44:15 – 44:31


SPECIAL DAYS Lag BaOmer is celebrated Thursday night, April 29, through Friday, April 30.

30% Off Set Sale Artscroll
Around the OU
OU Calls for Increased Law Enforcement, Federal Security Grants in Wake of Attacks on Riverdale Synagogues
OU Calls for Increased Law Enforcement, Federal Security Grants in Wake of Attacks on Riverdale Synagogues
Orthodox Union

Following the recent series of attacks on synagogues in New York's Riverdale area, the Orthodox Union is calling on Congress to double existing funding for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program to $360 million to better secure our community against terror attacks, and for greater law enforcement to stop such attacks.

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How Can You Help Solve the Tuition Crisis?
How Can You Help Solve the Tuition Crisis?
Steven Starr

The Jewish Link explores: Why is Teach NJ's advocacy so critical in resolving the crisis?

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Reserve Your Spot at the 2021 NCSY Gala
Reserve Your Spot at the 2021 NCSY Gala

Join us on Wednesday, June 9, for a unique evening showcasing decades of NCSY's impact as we fete guests of honor, Avi and Becky Katz. COVID-19 precautions will be in place.

Bike NCSY Register Now
On Not Being Afraid of Greatness
On Not Being Afraid of Greatness
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

Embedded in this week's parsha are two of the most fundamental commands of Judaism – commands that touch on the very nature of Jewish identity.

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Mesorah and Middos
Mesorah and Middos
Shira Smiles

Explore the connection between the Sefiras HaOmer, the loss of Rabbi Akiva's students and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai.

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No Shehechiyanu? No Problem
No Shehechiyanu? No Problem
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why don't we recite Shehechiyanu on the mitzvah of Sefirat HaOmer? And why don't we recite it upon getting married?

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Like All Other Boys
Like All Other Boys
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Can we unravel the mystery behind a seemingly puzzling blessing?

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The Winner of the World Bible Quiz Has Something to Say to Us
The Winner of the World Bible Quiz Has Something to Say to Us
Sivan Rahav Meir

Read this d'var Torah and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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The Intention to Have When Answering Amen
The Intention to Have When Answering Amen
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

There are many different types of blessing. What should we have in mind when answering amen to each kind of bracha?

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The Kohen Today
The Kohen Today
Rabbi Norman Lamm

Why, of all the sublime passages in the Torah, do we choose the priestly blessing as the one over which to thank God for Torah?

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Halacha Yomis: Weddings and Lag B'Omer
Halacha Yomis: Weddings and Lag B'Omer
OU Kosher

Is it permissible to make a wedding on Lag B'Omer at night? Halacha Yomis has the answer.

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Featured Company: Little Spoon
Featured Company: Little Spoon
OU Kosher

With healthy and pre-portioned meals for your child from infancy to age five, Little Spoon makes it easy to be sure your child is getting the appropriate nutrients. Now OU Kosher-certified!

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Featured Products
Newly-Released OU Manual for Checking Fruits and Vegetables - 5th Edition
Newly-Released OU Manual for Checking Fruits and Vegetables - 5th Edition
OU Press

This updated edition addresses the all-important kashrus issue of insect food infestation. With the addition of halachic insights of Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Belsky zt"l, the guide delves deeper into Torah sources.

Buy the Book
Countdown to Shabbos
Countdown to Shabbos
OU Press

With one eye on this world, as a newspaper editor, and another eye on eternity, as the author of pioneering works on Jewish spiritual heroes, Rabbi Hillel Goldberg's Countdown to Shabbos etches how Jews connect this world to the next via Shabbos.

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NCSY Chief Executive Officer, NY Region
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Yachad NJ Program Director
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