Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 25 Nisan 5781/April 7, 2021

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Date: Wed, Apr 7, 2021, 4:09 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 25 Nisan 5781/April 7, 2021
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
April 7, 2021 - 25 Nisan 5781
News from the Agudah:

  • Mandated Services saved, and other big wins for yeshivas and nonpublic schools in the New York State budget. See below for more details.

  • COPE's evening classes for the Women's Junior Accounting/Business Essentials Course will be available in-person and remotely starting April 13th. See below for more details and how to apply.

  • See below to read about how Pirchei made sure that there would be a way for talmidim to have set a time for learning, and start the days of Chol Hamoed on the ruchniyus side, whether they were able to gather in-person or not.

  • Mazel Tov to our colleague Rabbi A.D. Motzen on tonight's wedding of his daughter Malka to Eli Kravitz!
NYS Budget Provides Big Wins for Yeshivas and Nonpublic Schools

Mandated Services Saved
When the proposed New York State Executive Budget was released in late January, things did not look good for the nonpublic schools as represented by Agudath Israel and its coalition partners. The economic slowdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on the state's fiscal equilibrium, with multi-billion-dollar deficits anticipated. Virtually every funding stream available to yeshivas and other nonpublic schools was facing cuts from previous year's levels.

More ominous, though, was proposed language that threatened the very existence of Mandated Services Aid (MSA). The MSA program, originally promoted by the legendary Agudah leader Rabbi Moshe Sherer z"l, is the largest single source of funding for non-public schools in New York. Originally enacted in 1974, it centers on schools being reimbursed for their "actual costs" in fulfillment of state mandates and participating in state assessment programs.

In previous years, the state took responsibility for the entire amount of the MSA. Therefore, even if the state did not pay the complete MSA due to a budget shortfall, the state accepted liability to pay it in future years. In fact, in 2016 and 2017, based in large part on intense advocacy by Agudah and others, there was a $250 million windfall that was incurred as a result of a shortfall from previous years.

However, the language originally proposed in this year's executive budget stated that MSA claims will only be reimbursed to the extent of the appropriation in the current year's budget, and that would represent fulfillment of the state's obligation. The state would not be accepting responsibility for the MSA claims in excess of the appropriation. This harmful language threatened the viability of the entire MSA as future budgets would not be obligated to reimburse the full cost of services performed.

Sensing the threat, as well as proposed shortfalls, the Agudah advocacy team sprang into action. Though precluded from physically traveling to the state capitol in Albany due to ongoing COVID restrictions, Agudah arranged three advocacy days with legislators via Zoom as well as numerous calls and emails directly to lawmakers.

When the final budget was released on Tuesday after tense negotiations centered around taxes, sports betting, school aid, and other contentious items, the results of the advocacy of Agudah and its coalition partners were on prominent display. Combined with an improving fiscal situation as well as an infusion of federal dollars through the American Rescue Plan Act, the nonpublic school advocates accomplished almost all their legislative objectives. Specifically:

  • The proposed objectionable language was removed and schools will still receive full MSA reimbursement up to the actual cost. Additionally, schools will be "held harmless" for time missed due to COVID related school closures and will still receive their full allotment.

  • STEM funding for nonpublic schools – an initiative promoted by the Orthodox Union – was increased to $40 million

  • Busing contractors are to be reimbursed for expenses occurred during COVID related shutdowns. This is in line with reimbursement provided to school district bus vendors and was a key ask during the Agudah lobby days. This was made possible through the efforts of Chair of the Assembly Ways and Means Committee Helene Weinstein and Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein.

  • Non-Public School Safety and Security Grants (NPSE) was retained at $15 million.

  • In addition, the budget allocates another round of Securing Communities Against Hate Crimes Grants at $25 million, which also includes online and virtual protections.

Commenting on the new budget, Agudah Executive Vice President Rabbi David Zwiebel noted that "this year's budget includes a number of provisions that will surely be difficult to swallow. However, the yeshiva community does have much to be grateful for. Of particular note is that the Mandated Services program, with which Agudah has been so closely identified for nearly half-a-century, and which has served as a lifeline for so many yeshivos, was saved from a potentially devastating fate."

"We thank all the legislators and staff for listening to our concerns and continuing to recognize the unique role of the non-public school community by providing the necessary funding." added Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Agudah Director of New York Government Relations." We are also extremely grateful to all the activists and yeshiva officials who joined us for our virtual lobby days. Your involvement made a real difference."
COPE's Women's Junior Accounting/Business Essentials Course Now Available In-Person and Remotely Starting April 13
Are you entering the work force? Are you trying to update your business and professional skills? Are you trying to increase your capabilities? You can go to a regular college program, but that will take you four years. Instead, choose Agudah's COPE division Junior Accounting Course, now available both in person, and remotely through Zoom.

COPE's three-and-a-half months long intensive junior accounting course is custom designed for individuals with little or no experience in business or accounting. Students will thoroughly learn the accounting cycle as well as accounting for all types of business.
Classes are taught by a staff of instructors who are hand-picked for their real-world experience and dedication to helping students learn. In addition, this course provides the skills and knowledge for immediate job entry. To help students become more marketable, popular accounting software such as QuickBooks is taught. The starting salaries for COPE Institute's graduates are between $45,000 and $55,000 with excellent advancement opportunities. Also, over 90% of graduates have been successfully placed in jobs. Upon completion of the junior accounting course students can continue with a 22 month evening program that will earn students a bachelor's degree and enable them to sit for the CPA exam.

Women's night classes will be starting April 13th, and will be available in person or via zoom. To find out more, call 718-506-0500, extension 208; email; or text COPE to 718-578-4558.

COPE, a division of Agudas Yisroel, has, for years, been providing education and job skills to men and women in our communities.
Pirchei Agudas Yisroel Yeshivas Chol Hamoed:
Starting Chol Hamoed Day with Torah
Pirchei Agudas Yisroel's Yeshivas Chol Hamoed program continued this Pesach with much success. Whether or not in person, programming was available, as Pirchei made sure that there would be a way for talmidim to have set a time for learning, being able to start the days of Chol Hamoed on the ruchniyus side.

Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of New York coordinated nine locations for their ever-growing Yeshivas Chol Hamoed program. Every day of Chol Hamoed saw nine batei medrashim filled with boys and their fathers setting aside one hour of their day for limud hatorah. On the final day of Chol Hamoed, participants from the various locations were invited to join a special Amazing Torah Show given by Rabbi Maimon Elbaz at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas.

Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of Montreal coordinated a Chol Hamoed learning program which featured special guest storytellers each day including the Menahel of Yeshiva Gedola of Montreal, Rabbi Mendel Karmel.

Although not all locations are yet able to host in-person learning, Pirchei's national office ran its popular biannual Hasmodo program providing incentive for extra learning over the Yom Tov vacation. Talmidim from Yeshivos across the country participated by learning at home and adding up their hours and submitting them to the Pirchei offices for prizes.
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