Friday, April 9, 2021

Fwd: Power of Amen; Aliyah with Teens; No Korban, No Problem?

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Apr 8, 2021, 9:32 PM
Subject: Power of Amen; Aliyah with Teens; No Korban, No Problem?
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Celebrate One Year of SPIRIT
Celebrate One Year of SPIRIT
The SPIRIT Initiative

Explore an archive of past SPIRIT programming, created in honor of the one-year anniversary of the SPIRIT program. Watch all of the SPIRIT presentations geared toward retirees on subjects from history to exercise to mental health.

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Support Team Yachad's Learn-a-Thon: Kicks Off April 13
Support Team Yachad's Learn-a-Thon: Kicks Off April 13
Team Yachad

Join Team Yachad as they dedicate a month to gaining strength in Torah together and raise $100,000 for Yachad summer programs. Sign up to learn and/or support others who are learning. Each learner receives exclusive access to a special virtual program on May 13.

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PARSHAT SHEMINI April 9-10, 2021 / 28 Nisan 5781

Samuel II 6:1-7:17

Mevarchim Hachodesh for the month of Iyar

Rosh Chodesh Iyar is celebrated on Monday, April 12, and Tuesday, April 13. Yom HaZikaron is commemorated on Wednesday, April 14. Yom HaAtzmaut is celebrated on Thursday, April 15.

Around the OU
In Commemoration of Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day
In Commemoration of Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer reflects on Yom HaShoah.

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Remembering Rabbi Dr. Zecharia H. Senter zl
Remembering Rabbi Dr. Zecharia H. Senter z"l
OU Kosher

The OU mourns the loss of Rabbi Dr. Zenter, z"l, CEO and founder of Kof-K kosher.

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Register for the Teach NJ Virtual Mission to Trenton
Register for the Teach NJ Virtual Mission to Trenton
Teach Coalition

Students, teachers, parents and concerned community members will talk with elected officials and advocate for critical funding for our schools.

Register Now
Counting Toward Sinai
Counting Toward Sinai
The OU Women's Initiative

Learn Pirkei Avot as you count the Omer with the OU Women's Initiative Counting Toward Sinai program!

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Thinking About Aliyah with Teens?
Thinking About Aliyah with Teens?
NCSY Israel

Join NCSY Israel on Sunday, April 18, as they partner with Olim Advisors to present the panel webinar "Helping Your Teenagers Before and After Aliyah."

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Watch: Communal Leadership Decision-Making
Watch: Communal Leadership Decision-Making
The SPIRIT Initiative

OU President Mark (Moishe) Bane discusses public policy considerations and communal leadership. Who should be making decisions?

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OU-JLIC West Pesach Picnic in The Park
OU-JLIC West Pesach Picnic in The Park

Students and alumni of UCLA and Santa Monica College enjoyed a memorable chol hamoed afternoon in the park.

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Counting on Iyar
Counting on Iyar
The OU Women's Initiative

Monday, April 12, at 12 noon ET hear Mrs. Esther Tokayer on Rosh Chodesh Iyar.

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And Aaron Was Silent
And Aaron Was Silent
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

He was an old man, and in many ways came from a very different world than I. And yet he taught me more than anyone else ever did. One of the things he taught me was that no one suffers as much as a parent who loses a child.

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The Power of Amen
The Power of Amen
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

How should we recite amen? For that matter, why should we say it at all? These questions and more will be answered in this new series on this most powerful of words.

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No Korban? No Problem
No Korban? No Problem
Rabbi Menachem Genack

If reciting Birkat Kohanim requires sacrifices, as we see in this week's parasha, how can we recite Birkat Kohanim today?

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Reticence vs. Impetuosity
Reticence vs. Impetuosity
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

Tragedy struck when two sons of Aaron offered a "strange fire" and died. "And Aaron was silent" – the man who had been Moses' spokesman could no longer speak.

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Moving Beyond Respect
Moving Beyond Respect
Rabbi Norman Lamm ztz"l

Both kedusha (holiness) and kavod (honor or respect) are worthy Jewish goals deserving of our highest aspirations. Yet, they are not equal to each other.

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R' Baz and the Racham
R' Baz and the Racham
Rabbi Eliyahu Safran

How does a non-kosher bird evoke compassion in others and, more importantly, what is its connection to Moshiach?

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Jewish Thought
My Journey from Baltimore to Yerushalayim
My Journey from Baltimore to Yerushalayim
Rabbanit Malka Bina

In advance of Yom HaAtzmaut, the founder and chancellor of Matan tells her inspiring Zionistic story. Enjoy this and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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A Discovery Sheds Light on Rescue Efforts During the Holocaust
A Discovery Sheds Light on Rescue Efforts During the Holocaust
Susie Garber

Original documents—some from venerable gedolim—tell of heroic efforts to save hundreds of Jews during the Holocaust.

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Featured Company: Thrive Frozen Nutrition
Featured Company: Thrive Frozen Nutrition
OU Kosher

Thrive Frozen Nutrition is a small company with a big goal: to provide a healthy ice cream/gelato choice that a diverse population can enjoy with confidence that they are getting real nutrition.

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Buying Chametz After Pesach From a Jewish-Owned Store That Did Not Sell Their Chametz
Buying Chametz After Pesach From a Jewish-Owned Store That Did Not Sell Their Chametz
OU Kosher

After Pesach, major questions surround the status of unsold chametz owned by a Jew. Is it kosher for you to buy? Halacha Yomis has the answer.

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featured products
Judaism's Life-Changing Ideas
Judaism's Life-Changing Ideas
OU Press

In this inspiring work, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l, in his customary erudite and accessible approach, introduces his readers to one life-changing idea from each of the weekly parashot.

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Chumash Mesoras HaRav – Sefer Vayikra
Chumash Mesoras HaRav – Sefer Vayikra
OU Press

Edited with great skill by Dr. Arnold Lustiger, this groundbreaking Chumash collects and adapts Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik's writings and teachings into a published commentary on Sefer Vayikra that reflects his intellectual breadth and depth, his exegetical creativity, and the timelessness of his insights.

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Development Director - Yachad Chicago
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Regional NCSY Roles Across the US
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