Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Aneinu Please include newborn in your tefillos - Urgent Tefillos Needed

Please include Tinok ben Sara Elisheva in your tefillos. He is getting better but is still in the NICU fighting an infection. Please keep davening for a refuah shlema for his mother, Sara Elisheva bas Rochel Gutta. *************************** Shira Elisheva bas Rochel Gutta's name has been changed to Sara Elisheva bas Rochel Gutta. Please continue to daven for her refuah shlema. *************************** Please keep davening for the refuah shlema of Shira Elisheva bas Rochel Gutta who is in critical condition. Please daven that Hashem guide her doctors to make the best decisions for her treatment. ****************************** Please daven for the daughter-in-law of a Chicago Aneinu member, Shira Elisheva bas Rochel Gutta, who just had a baby and is in emergency surgery.

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