Friday, May 14, 2021

FW: [aneinu] Say your Tehillim on Shabbos/Shavuos - Covid List

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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 5/14/21 2:59 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Say your Tehillim on Shabbos/Shavuos - Covid List


Dear Aneinu Members,

It is obvious that Hashem is shaking up the world. Earth shattering events are happening in quick succession, like the waves of an angry ocean overwhelming the shoreline. We can hear Mashiach's footsteps approaching! It is a time of extremes of violence and hate, but there are glimmers of hope. Although antisemitism is on the rise, who would have thought that Austria would raise an Israeli flag over its consulate, or Germany over its CDU headquarters? There are those who love us and those who hate us. 

There is one thing that we can be certain of, Hashem loves us and is doing everything for our benefit. Hashem wants to bring the geulah but the Satan, the midas hadin has complaints against us. What I have been hearing over and over from so many Rabbanim and Gedolim is that we must be unified, b'achdus! We must purify our hearts of the slightest hint of sinas chinam. 

Shavuos is almost here. We are all encamped around Har Sinai waiting for that awesome moment of saying naaseh v'nishmah accepting the Torah unconditionally. Just as back then, we must be k'ish echad b'lev echad, one person with one heart. If we can remind ourselves that any slight or hurt caused by another person is really coming from Hashem for the benefit of our growth, and that person is just a shaliach, we can remove all negative feelings from our hearts. We shouldn't need to lose 45 tzaddikim or have missiles shot at us to remind us that we really love each other. When Mashiach comes we will see how everything happened in the best way possible for each and every one of us. Please, let's really work on this so that we can all experience the geulah shlema b'karov!

Because Dovid HaMelech was born and passed away on Shavuos, it is considered an auspicious time to say Tehillim. Please say your Tehillim on Shabbos and on Shavuos, if you are able.

 Please check the Shabbos Tehillim spreadsheet if you are unsure which kappitlach you signed up for:

Dovid ben Chaya Rivkah - Rabbi David Montrose
Leah bas Machla Rivka
Silka bas Miriam - Silka Raitzik
Yaakov Gershon ben Chaya Gita – Mr. Muskat
Yosef Chaim Hakohen ben Meira

Wishing you a peaceful Shabbos and a beautiful Shavuos,
Chaya Miriam

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