Thursday, May 27, 2021

Fwd: The Kevurah Crisis; Fighting for Israel in Congress; Help for India

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, May 27, 2021 at 7:38 PM
Subject: The Kevurah Crisis; Fighting for Israel in Congress; Help for India
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The COVID Crisis in India:  How Can You Help?
The COVID Crisis in India: How Can You Help?
Orthodox Union

In India, COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc on its citizens, who are dying by the thousands every day. We, the Jewish people, have often relied on the benevolence and humanity of the nations of the world in times of need. Now is our opportunity to give back to stem the tide of destruction in India.

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Unite and Advocate: Meet Your Member of Congress
Unite and Advocate: Meet Your Member of Congress
OU Advocacy

Despite the recent onslaught of Hamas rockets, many in Congress failed to stand up for Israel's right to act in self-defense. We've also witnessed a surge in violent attacks on American Jews. Many elected officials have been either painfully complacent or slow to denounce these attacks. Let us unite as a community and advocate directly to our members of Congress.

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PARSHAT BEHA'ALOTECHA May 28-29, 2021 / 18 Sivan 5781

HAFTARAH Zechariah 2:14 – 4:7

Around the OU
OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer on i24 News
OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer on i24 News
i24 News

Rabbi Hauer discusses the recent wave of anti-Semitic attacks in the U.S.

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Watch: A Discussion on the Pew Report Findings
Watch: A Discussion on the Pew Report Findings
Orthodox Union

The Orthodox Union hosted an enlightening conversation featuring five distinguished voices discussing the newly-released Pew Report on Jewish Americans in 2020. If you missed the event live, you can still watch.

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Download All Parsha Today: Available for iOS and Android
Download All Parsha Today: Available for iOS and Android
OU Torah Initiatives

Now available for free download, All Parsha is your single destination for top-tier parsha content.

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Critical Elections This June: Will You Be There for Your Community?
Critical Elections This June: Will You Be There for Your Community?
Teach Coalition

This June, our strong turnout is critical to support our community. To vote by mail, find your polling site, or register to vote, visit

As a 501(c)3 charitable organization, Teach Coalition does not endorse any political candidates and does not engage in any activity that supports or opposes candidates for political office.

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Why Are So Many American Jews Opting for Cremation?
Why Are So Many American Jews Opting for Cremation?
SPIRIT Initiative
Half of American Jews opt for cremation nowadays. This workshop will teach you the why and how you can help reverse this trend.
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NCSY Gala RSVP & Donate
A Candle of God Is the Soul of Man
A Candle of God Is the Soul of Man
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

The little candle teaches us how much good a single person, or even a single act, can accomplish.

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The Sefer Within the Parsha
The Sefer Within the Parsha
Rabbi Menachem Genack

This parsha, according to one tannaitic view, contains a separate sefer of 85 letters. What does this mean?

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The Definition of Anivut
The Definition of Anivut
Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm ztz"l

Anivut, humility, means to recognize your gifts as just that – gifts granted to you by a merciful God, and which, possibly, you did not deserve.

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Power or Influence?
Power or Influence?
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

People of power have influence and people of influence have power but the two things are quite different, as a simple thought experiment will demonstrate.

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Baruch Hu uBaruch Shmo
Baruch Hu u'Baruch Shmo
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Man does not live by "amen" alone – he also needs "baruch Hu u'baruch shmo!"

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What Is Confectioner's Glaze?
What Is Confectioner's Glaze?
OU Kosher

Confectioner's glaze is a sticky, delicious addition to many foods – but is it kosher? Halacha Yomis has the answer.

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Featured Company: Kosher Arabia
Featured Company: Kosher Arabia
OU Kosher

Kosher Arabia is a joint venture between Emirates Flight Catering and CCL Holdings founded by Ross Kriel.

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Bike NCSY Register Now
Featured Products
Chumash Mesoras HaRav – Sefer Bamidbar
Chumash Mesoras HaRav – Sefer Bamidbar
OU Press

Edited with great skill by Dr. Arnold Lustiger, this groundbreaking Chumash collects and adapts the Rav's writings and teachings into a published commentary on Sefer Bamidbar.

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Headlines: Halachic Debates of Current Events
Headlines: Halachic Debates of Current Events
OU Press

In Headlines, Dovid Lichtenstein takes items drawn from the news as starting points for in-depth halachic analyses of questions at the forefront of our contemporary conversation.

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HR Talent and Data Analyst
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NCSY Chief Executive Officer, NY Region
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