Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Fwd: Learn the Nefesh Hachaim, and the latest edition of Derech Hateva

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, May 25, 2021, 11:02 AM
Subject: Learn the Nefesh Hachaim, and the latest edition of Derech Hateva
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

May 25-31 • Sivan 14-20

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

by Reuben Pludwinski in memory of his father Yaakov Meyer ben Yitzchak
by Miriam and Alan Goldberg and family to mark the yahrzeit of Samuel Goldberg, R' Shmuel Meir  ben R' Eliyahu HaCohen z"l
by Mutty & Aliza Lehrman for a refuah shleimah for Tzvi ben Devorah betoch shaar cholei Yisroel

New This Week

Rabbi Sammy Bergman

Working For The Devil: Sinful Clients

How should one react to dishonest clients? What steps does one need to take to avoid participating in another's sin? What constitutes the "facilitation" of a sin?

Listen Now
Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein

Does Learning Torah Make a Person a More Sensitive and Giving Person?
You can have two people both serving Hashem with the same intensity, but with very different attitudes.

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Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff

7 Things to Stop if You Want a Healthy Relationship
If you want to be in a healthy relationship you need to be able to define what a healthy relationship is.

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Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

The Tefilah Before and After Learning

Why do we need to daven to be successful in Torah learning?

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Rabbi Isaac Rice

Yichud on an Elevator

How long do a man and woman need to be secluded for the prohibition to start?

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Rabbi Shay Schachter

When an Oral Psak Contradicts the Written Word: Baby Wipes on Shabbos

A review of the approach of Rav Asher Weiss.

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Rabbi Baruch Simon

Corporations in Halacha

Can a corporation be considered an entity to own something in Halacha? The first in a new series on the status of corporations.

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Dr. Noam Wasserman

"Modeh" Throughout Davening and the Day

How Chazal built a Thank You mindset into davening, setting the table for the full day.

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Featured This Week

Learn the Nefesh Hachaim

Get to know this important work of Jewish Thought in honor of the 200th Yahrtzeit of Rav Chaim Volozhener.

Browse the Shiurim

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