Thursday, May 27, 2021

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 16 Sivan 5781/May 27, 2021

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Thu, May 27, 2021, 5:58 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 16 Sivan 5781/May 27, 2021
To: <>

Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
May 27, 2021 - 16 Sivan 5781
News from the Agudah:

  • Take Action Now! There is no need to review here the horrors American Jews have been experiencing and witnessing in recent years and particularly these past few days. See below for more details and to take action telling and tell your Senators and Congressman to fight antisemitism.

  • In 1997, Rabbi Moshe Sherer saw the need to strengthen the representation of Orthodox Jewry in Eretz Yisroel and around the world, and started Am Echad. Today, one of Am Echad's co-chairman, Dr. Irving Lebovics, published an op-ed in the Jerusalem Post in response to the news that over 100 progressive rabbinic and cantorial students had signed a letter in solidarity with Palestinians. We thought you'd appreciate the read - click here to see it. (Dr. Lebovics is also the chairman of Agudath Israel of California.)

  • Special Memorial Day Yarchei Kallah: The Yarchei Kallah program for Sunday and Monday May 30 and 31 (Memorial Day), will be both in-person and virtual. See below for more details including the topics of each shiur.

  • Attention New York City Residents: Last day to register to be able to vote in the June 22 primary. See below for more information.

  • The Iyunim B'hilchos Shabbos will continue this week. See below for this week's schedule.
Dear Agudah Activist:

There is no need to review here the horrors of what American Jews have been experiencing and witnessing in recent years and particularly these past few days. Wanton violence and hateful epithets have deeply wounded us, and some are fearful even to walk outside with their children. Why? Simply because they are Jewish.

We are thankful to President Biden and Vice President Harris, and many elected officials on both sides of the aisle, for speaking out and condemning these antisemitic attacks. Agudath Israel and other Jewish groups have reached out and met with White House officials and congressional leadership to discuss steps that can be taken to help address the problem.

These include, among others:

  • Continuing to call upon our national leaders to loudly, clearly and unequivocally condemn vile antisemitic violence and rhetoric;
  • Urging increased protection for nonprofits – including shuls, yeshivas, and community institutions – by boosting the Nonprofit Security Grant Program to $360 million.
  • Providing the Departments of Justice and other agencies the full resources they need in regard to reporting, preventing and responding to antisemitic and other hate crimes.
  • Strengthening the language and enforcement of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, to combat certain zoning laws, which have too-often been used as an antisemitic tool to keep Orthodox Jews and their institutions our of towns and neighborhoods.
  • Supporting the appointment of the congressionally-created State Department position of Ambassador to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism to address antisemitic attacks on a global level.
We need to communicate these priorities in the fight against antisemitism to our Senators and Representatives as soon as possible. Please go to and click on the Take Action button below to let your voice be heard.

Thank you and hatzlacha!

Rabbi Abba Cohen
Vice President for Government Affairs
Washington Director and Counsel
Memorial Day Yarchei Kallah
Sunday, May 30
8:00 AM: Shacharis
8:50 AM: Light Breakfast
9:20 AM: Divrei P'sichah
Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth Rav, Khal Kol Torah
10:00 AM: Shiur Hachanah
11:00 AM: Shiur Iyun
Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum Rav, Khal Nachlas Yitzchok, Queens
ביסוד חיוב מעשה ופעולת מלאכת שבת
12:00 PM: Rabbi Asher Weiss Gavad, Rosh Yeshivas Darchei Torah
הקדמה לסוגיה: ריבוי בשיעורים
Monday, May 31
8:00 AM: Shacharis
8:50 AM: Light Breakfast
9:20 AM: Divrei P'sichah
Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon Rav, Khal Bnei Torah, Kollel Dirshu
10:00 AM: Shiur Hachanah
11:00 AM: Shiur Iyun
Rabbi Yitzchok Lichtenstein Rosh HaYeshiva, Yeshivas Torah Vodaath
בדין מעשה שבת
12:00 PM: Rabbi Nisan Kaplan Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivas Daas Aharon
עיונים בריבוי בשיעורים ומעשה שבת
Attendance Information:
In-person: Khal Kol Torah 2022 Avenue M, Brooklyn, NY.
Watch: Livestream:
Call In: 718.298.2077 ext. 52.
New York Voting Registration Deadline
Today, we are facing new challenges and old sinister threats that each of us are required to take very seriously. The headlines are ominous and the day's news continues to be frightening.

For our basic security, the integrity of our yeshiva education, and our fundamental religious freedoms, the upcoming primary election next month is a most critical election for our future.  

Because of term limits, New York City will be electing a new mayor, a new comptroller, 4 out of 5 new boro presidents and a large majority of the city council.

It is imperative that our community have a voice in selecting the new city government. Our ability to practice and live as Torah Jews in NYC is on the ballot. 

The best way to ensure that voice is to VOTE - and every single vote counts.

Primary Day is June 22 and early voting begins June 12th.

In order to vote you must be registered. The registration deadline to vote in the June 22 primary is THIS FRIDAY May 28th.

To download a registration form please click here. To register directly online please click here.

To find your polling place please click here.
To request an absentee ballot please click here.
This is your opportunity to have your voice heard. Register and vote!!!
Iyunim B'hilchos Shabbos
The shiurim will continue this week with the access information as follows:

The Zoom access link is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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