Thursday, May 20, 2021

Fwd: OU Statement on Anti-Semitism; Politics of Envy; Why Do We Still Have Agunot?

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, May 20, 2021, 7:37 PM
Subject: OU Statement on Anti-Semitism; Politics of Envy; Why Do We Still Have Agunot?
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Orthodox Union Condemns Surge of Attacks on US Jews; Calls on Leaders of All Sectors to Denounce Anti-Semitic Violence
Orthodox Union Condemns Surge of Attacks on US Jews; Calls on Leaders of All Sectors to Denounce Anti-Semitic Violence
Orthodox Union

In the wake of a surge of violent attacks perpetrated against American Jews in many communities in recent days, the Orthodox Union's leadership called for leaders of all sectors to speak out against anti-Jewish violence, just as they would speak out against hate crimes perpetrated against any minority segment of Americans.

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Take Action Now: Urge Pres. Biden to Continue Support for Israel's Self Defense
Take Action Now: Urge Pres. Biden to Continue Support for Israel's Self Defense
OU Advocacy

Urge President Biden to maintain strong United States support for Israel, particularly as Hamas rockets continue to strike civilian targets in Israel.

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PARSHAT NASO May 21-22, 2021 / 11 Sivan 5781


HAFTARAH Judges 13:2 – 13:25

Around the OU
Why Do We Still Have Agunot? Understanding Get Refusal Today
Why Do We Still Have Agunot? Understanding Get Refusal Today
SPIRIT Initiative

Keshet Starr, Esq., chief executive officer of Organization for the Resolution of Agunot (ORA), will discuss how get refusal cases develop and what factors contribute to this problem.

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May Is Mental Health Awareness Month: Shabbos Table Talks
May Is Mental Health Awareness Month: Shabbos Table Talks
Orthodox Union

Included in the mental health resources provided by our partner organizations this month is a weekly, one-page resource to talk to your children about mental health, courtesy of Our Path SEL.

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Teens in Israel Need Your Love and Support
Teens in Israel Need Your Love and Support

Show your love and support to Israeli teens currently living in constant fear. Send your letters and pictures to, WhatsApp 972-419-0087 or tag @myncsy on Instagram to share them with NCSY teens.

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Sanctity and Sanctimony
Sanctity and Sanctimony
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

What is especially fascinating is that often we are both good and evil, kind and cruel, at the same time.

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The Nazir Connection
The Nazir Connection
Rabbi Menachem Genack

What is the connection between the Nazir and the blessing of Asher Yatzar?

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How to Make Yourself Righteous and Pious by Answering Amen
How to Make Yourself Righteous and Pious by Answering Amen
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

The gemara tells us that if one wants to be pious, he should observe the laws of brachos. Elsewhere, we are told that not saying brachos is stealing from God and destructive to mankind. How is the opposite of that piety?

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The Politics of Envy
The Politics of Envy
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

Ancient societies were hierarchical. Rulers often had absolute power over their subjects. The masses were prone to hunger and disease. The Torah is a sustained polemic against this way.

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Rebbetzin Shira Smiles

Enjoy this look at the parsha and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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Halacha Yomis: Sodium Caseinate
Halacha Yomis: Sodium Caseinate
OU Kosher

Sodium caseinate is a milk derivative. How can a product be labeled non-dairy if it contains sodium caseinate?

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An Evening to Benefit Yachad
Featured Company: Bakersland
Featured Company: Bakersland
OU Kosher

From its beginnings in Greece with a family-owned flour mill in the 1850s, Bakerland's story now continues in California where it produces superior quality, ready-to-eat tart shells.

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Featured Products
The Concise Code of Jewish Law: A Guide to the Observance of Shabbat
The Concise Code of Jewish Law: A Guide to the Observance of Shabbat
OU Press

Responding to a perceived need for our generation, The Concise Code of Jewish Law by Rabbi Gersion Appel is a modern and up-to-date work of halachah lema'aseh, presented in a concise and user-friendly format.

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Derashot Ledorot: A Commentary for the Ages – Numbers
Derashot Ledorot: A Commentary for the Ages – Numbers
OU Press

Derashot LeDorot presents Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm's insights into the Book of Numbers and organizes them according to the sequence of the weekly parasha.

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