Friday, May 7, 2021

Fwd: Tragedy in Meron; Significance of Yerushalayim; Election Day on a Chag?

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, May 6, 2021, 9:05 PM
Subject: Tragedy in Meron; Significance of Yerushalayim; Election Day on a Chag?
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The Special Significance of Yerushalayim
The Special Significance of Yerushalayim
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

We remain ever conscious of what we are still missing. But we are grateful for all that we have already attained. It is that gratefulness that we celebrate this coming Monday, May 10, as Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day.

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Torah Giving Day 2021: Celebrate Women's Torah
Torah Giving Day 2021: Celebrate Women's Torah
OU Women's Initiative

On Wednesday May 13, support and expand the Torah programs offered by the OU Women's Initiative on a special day of giving. Beginning with special early access today and continuing through the 13th, any gifts made will be matched – up to $100,000. Donate now and see your gift have twice the impact.

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PARSHAT BEHAR-BECHUKOTAI May 7-8, 2021 / 26 Iyar 5781


HAFTARAH Jeremiah 16:19 – 17:14


THIS SHABBAT Mevarchim Hachodesh for the month of Sivan.


SPECIAL DAYS Yom Yerushalayim is celebrated on Monday, May 10. Rosh Chodesh Sivan is celebrated on Wednesday, May 12. Yom HaMeyuchas is observed on Thursday, May 13.

Around the OU
May Is Mental Health Awareness Month: Shalom Task Force on Domestic Abuse
May Is Mental Health Awareness Month: Shalom Task Force on Domestic Abuse
Orthodox Union

What are the signs of domestic abuse? Explore this and other critical mental health-related resources from our partners.

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The Torah of Yerushalayim
The Torah of Yerushalayim
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

Apparently, there is a dual nature to our relationship with G-d and Torah, that includes both choice and destiny.

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The Donny Morris zl Memorial Program
The Donny Morris z"l Memorial Program

Klal Yisrael is mourning the loss of the 45 souls that were taken from us on Lag B'Omer, including the loss of Donny Morris z"l (Nachman Daniel ben Aryeh Tzvi z"l), who was a part of our NCSY and Kollel family. Please join us in remembering Donny through these acts of self-improvement and Torah study. May his neshama have an aliyah and bring his family comfort.

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Watch: Meron Tragedy Is a Shared Trauma for Jews Worldwide
Watch: Meron Tragedy Is a Shared Trauma for Jews Worldwide
OU Israel

Rabbi Avi Berman, Executive Director of OU Israel, speaks to Arutz Sheva about the need to listen to those affected by the tragic event.

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Nathan Diament in The Hill: America's Jewish Communities Are Under Attack — Three Things Congress Can Do
Nathan Diament in The Hill: America's Jewish Communities Are Under Attack — Three Things Congress Can Do
Nathan Diament

Congress must do more to protect America's Jewish communities. Here are three ways Congress can act immediately to protect American Jews and other communities of faith.

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What's New on OU Torah?
What's New on OU Torah?
The Torah Blog

Learn all about new series and interesting new shiurim in the latest edition of the Torah Blog.

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Election on a Jewish Holiday: A Challenge to Overcome
Election on a Jewish Holiday: A Challenge to Overcome
Arielle Frankston-Morris

The May 18 Pennsylvania primary is on Shavuot. Here's how to vote if you can't make it to the polls.

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Then and Now: A Grandparent's Guide to Modern Dating
Then and Now: A Grandparent's Guide to Modern Dating
SPIRIT Initiative

This program will offer grandparents educational awareness and practical tools for supporting grandchildren through healthy dating and relationships.

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Critical Elections This June: Will You Be There for Your Community?
Critical Elections This June: Will You Be There for Your Community?
Teach Coalition

Only 15% of NJ voters and only 24% of NYC voters voted in the 2017 primary election. This June, our strong turnout is critical to support of our broader community. To vote by mail, register to vote, or change your party, visit

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As a 501(c)3 charitable organization, Teach Coalition does not endorse any political candidates and does not engage in any activity that supports or opposes candidates for political office.
Shavuot Ideas and Inspiration and Chodesh Sivan
Shavuot Ideas and Inspiration and Chodesh Sivan
OU Women's Initiative

Starting Monday, get ready for Shavuot and Chodesh Sivan with three video shiurim from the OU Women's Initiative. Sign up for reminders now!

Sign Up
Listen: Could Cincinnati, OH or Harrisburg, PA Be Your Future Home?
Listen: Could Cincinnati, OH or Harrisburg, PA Be Your Future Home?
OU Community Fair

Listen to Nachum Segal take a radio road trip and learn about some of the communities featured at the OU Community Fair!

Listen Now
Don't Miss 'Let's Talk' – Monday, May 10 at 8 pm EDT
Don't Miss "Let's Talk" – Monday, May 10 at 8 pm EDT

Got dating questions? We've got the answers! Join our YUConnects and JLIConnections virtual panel with experienced shadchanim next Monday night, May 10, at 8 pm EDT.

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We the People
We the People
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

In the midst of one of the most searing curses ever to have been uttered to a nation by way of warning, the Sages found a fleck of pure gold.

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Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

It is an old word, and it describes a behavior that has been around since the very beginning of history. Yet the word seems to me to be used more and more frequently these days, and the behavior it describes has gotten out of control.

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The Proper Ways to Answer Amen in Shul
The Proper Ways to Answer Amen in Shul
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

The repetition of Shemoneh Esrei, aliyos to the Torah, if you're still saying a bracha when the prayer leader finishes, and more in "The Power of Amen."

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Watch: Eternal Yerushalayim
Watch: Eternal Yerushalayim
Rebbetzin Pearl Borow

Enjoy an overview of Yerushalayim in Tanach.

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The Shofar Connection
The Shofar Connection
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why is the shofar not mentioned in the Torah with regard to Rosh Hashanah and instead left to be derived from the shofar of Yovel?

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Im Eshkachech Yerushalayim
Im Eshkachech Yerushalayim
Rebbetzin Lori Palatnik

Read this reflection on Yom Yerushalayim and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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Why Is There a Custom to Serve Dairy on Shavuos?
Why Is There a Custom to Serve Dairy on Shavuos?
OU Kosher

Eating dairy is a delicious custom on Shavuos and Halacha Yomis explores why that is.

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Bike NCSY August 8, 2021
Jewish Thought
Jerusalem Reunited

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