Thursday, June 10, 2021

FW: How to Fight

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-------- Original message --------
From: YUTorah <>
Date: 6/10/21 7:01 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: How to Fight

New! YUTorah Parsha Roundup for Korach

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

Parshat Korach 5781

Download the newest edition of the YUTorah in Print for Parshat Korach

with 12 pages of recently uploaded Torah articles to print out for your Shabbat table.

Learn about the Parsha

Topics from Korach
How to Have a Fight

What are the guidelines to having a fight the right and wrong way? What wrong with being like Korach?

Browse the Shiurim
What's So Special About the Ketoret?

Why does the service of the ketoret play such a pivotal role in this week's parsha? What's its deeper significance?

Browse the Shiurim
The Special Status of the Kohanim

What are the laws with giving kohanim special status in various areas of halacha?

Browse the Shiurim

New This Week

Recent Shiurim on Korach
Rabbi Assaf Bednarsh: What Did Korach Actually Take?
Rabbi Azarya Berzon: The Message of the Single Blue Thread
Rabbi Yisroel Bloom: The Fight between Moshe and Korach
Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander: From Devastation to Transformation: Owning Our Adversity
Rabbi Chaim Brovender: Machloket Leshem Shamayim
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom: Korach, Datan, Aviram and Tzitzit
Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman: Machlokes Good and Bad: What's the Difference?
Rabbi Joel Finkelstein: Giving In
Rabbi Yonatan Shai Freedman: When You Are Convinced That You Are Right
Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich: Taking the Blame
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg: Taking Selfies
Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith: Guarding the Mikdash Today
Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb: Rejecting "Cancel Culture": The Torah's Approach to Machlokes
Rabbi Yechezkel Hartman: The Difference Between Matnot Kehunah and Matnot Leviyah
Rabbi Daniel Hartstein: Listen To YOUR Message
Rabbi Gedaliah Jaffe: My Father's Name is Oil
Rabbi Ari Kahn: Reverberations
Mrs. Emma Katz: The Relationship Between Korach and His Followers
Rabbi Yehoshua Katz: Charisma vs. Content - How to Avoid Being Like Korach
Rabbi Judah Kerbel: Protecting the Mikdash - For Us
Rabbi Aaron Leibtag: Learning from our Failures and Struggles
Rabbi Yoni Levin: The First Socialist
Rabbi Yoni Mandelstam: When to Avoid and Engage in Machlokes
Rabbi Chaim Marcus: The Limits of Good Intentions
Rabbi Dani Schreiber: The Ground Opens Up
Rabbi Baruch Simon: Korach's Misunderstanding
Mrs. Shira Smiles: Progeny and Peace
Rabbi Dovid Sukenik: The Incredible Cheshbon of the Maharil Diskin
Rabbi Etan Tokayer: The Case For an Enduring Machlokes & Why We need More of It
Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner: Korach's Complaint and System Racism
Rabbi Ya'akov Trump: Self-Fulfilling Prophecies and Bad Decisions
Rabbi Yehuda Turetsky: The Relationship Between Kohanim and Leviim
Rabbi Moshe Walter: Moshe And Aharon - Two Models Of Leadership
Recent Articles on Korach
Rabbi Eliezer Barany: Replacing the Kohen
Rabbi Chananya Berzon: Kovid and Covid
Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald: The Origin of the Big Lie
Rabbi David Etengoff: