Friday, June 25, 2021

Fwd: I just saw something I shouldn’t have

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From: Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation <>
Date: Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 7:29 PM
Subject: I just saw something I shouldn't have
To: <>

As the summer becomes hotter...

As the streets become more indecent....

As the outside world becomes immoral…

… Being careful about what we look at is only getting more challenging.

But who is speaking of their struggles? 

Who is sharing how to deal with it?

Who is providing effective strategies - that actually work?


Yet, there are tips that work…

Tools & ideas like

  • The mind trick to stay pure even in NYC heat 

  • What makes a slice of pizza... (and your body!) … turn holy

  • How Joey Hofbauer's parents ruined his 95% chance at survival

  • The strange game the Chazon Ish played with little kids… and why he did it

Ideas you've never heard before.

Ideas you'll wonder how you lived without.

All in
Positive Vision ... the revolutionary book that
helped hundreds of boys… and men… and women too... navigate an indecent world — and stay pure.

90 days worth of tools + thought processes that help you win against impure sights and thoughts every time.

Plus bonus tips added in the back.

All conveniently divided into daily learning.

Do it as a family. With your boys, and girls, because everybody's eyes and soul matters.

Use promo code SUMMER to get it now for 10% off + free shipping.

It's your investment in your kedusha, and the kedushah of your children.
Buy it now
Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation
361 Spook Rock Rd. Suffern, NY 10901
(845) 352-3505

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