Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Fwd: Personal Request!

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From: Daf Digest <>
Date: Wed, Jun 23, 2021, 10:09 AM
Subject: Personal Request!
To: <>

Copy of RISE TO THE CHALLENGE Hero Banner.png

Dear Daf Digest Subscriber:

We have just lived through unique and unprecedented times. There was so much uncertainty and upheaval in our daily lives. Thankfully, the Daf Yomi has given all us a bit of daily stability, consistency and strength. And, unwavering as the Daf Yomi schedule is, the Daf Yomi Digest has continued to assist, navigate and help clarify each and every Daf to thousands of people daily in over 30 countries worldwide.

The Daf Digest is a project of The Chicago Center. We have just started our Annual Campaign, and now have a unique opportunity, that every dollar you donate by June 24th will be TRIPLED.. Please join us in our resolution to continue to enhance worldwide Daf Yomi learning – NOW MORE THAN EVER!! 

Your sponsorship provides the extraordinary merit of the thousands of people worldwide learning their Daf Yomi along with the Daf Digest. Accordingly, your support enables us to continue promoting Daf Yomi learning and the dissemination of the daily Daf Yomi Digest worldwide.

Would you consider making a donation this year, which would then be tripled and triple the impact! 

You can go online to HERE to make a secure payment at your convenience.

Thank you in advance and wishing all continued success mitoch gezunt, Brocho, Parnossa, and Nachas.



Rabbi Daniel Muskat

The Chicago Center

773-761-4005 (work)

773-771-9396 (cell)

847-972-1789 (fax)


The Chicago Center | 6557 Lincoln Ave., Lincolnwood, IL 60712
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