Sunday, June 27, 2021

Fwd: Torat Har Etzion - VBM - Special 17 Tammuz Package

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Torat Har Etzion <>
Date: Sun, Jun 27, 2021, 6:44 AM
Subject: Torat Har Etzion - VBM - Special 17 Tammuz Package
To: <>

In memory of Rabbi Moshe ben Avraham Shraga Furst z"l 
Niftar 17 Tammuz  5771. Dedicated by his family.

May your learning be productive and enjoyable. 
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Har Etzion Institutions Yeshiva 1 | Alon Shvut Israel | 0528395385
?????? ?? ????? | ?????? 1  | ???? ???? | Israel | 0528395385
???? ??????? ????? ActiveTrail

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