Wednesday, July 28, 2021

FW: Marked by Fire: The Making of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel (Steinsaltz)

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Date: 7/28/21 12:10 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Marked by Fire: The Making of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel (Steinsaltz)

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Editor's Note

New Video Makes Kosher Simple

Keeping kosher is a basic aspect of Jewish life. It imbues eating—one of our most essential human needs—with higher purpose.

So transformative is the power of kashrut that the Lubavitcher Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory—listed it on his 10-point mitzvah campaign.

But do you find the laws of kashrut to be somewhat confusing?

If you answered yes, we're excited to share a new video that cuts through the confusion and helps clarify the basics of kosher cooking and eating.

We think you're going to love it!

Using fresh visuals and engaging animation by director Stu Hershey Sufrin, the video is part of an ongoing web series exploring the basic "what's and why's" of Jewish life.

You can watch the video here (we'd love to hear your thoughts, please let us know in the comments!).


By the Numbers
11 Facts to Know About Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson

11 Facts to Know About Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson

Learn the life story of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, the Rebbe's father, through images and short facts.

By Mordechai Rubin

10 Questions: Take the Fathers in the Torah Quiz

10 Questions: Take the Fathers in the Torah Quiz

How well do you know the Fathers in the Torah? Take this quiz and find out!

By Menachem Posner


Marked by Fire: The Making of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel (Steinsaltz)

Marked by Fire: The Making of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel (Steinsaltz)

On his first yahrtzeit, an exploration of his journey from adrift teenager to "modern day Rashi"

By Eli Rubin

Prophecy in Judaism

Prophecy in Judaism

By Adin Even-Israel (Steinsaltz)

How To Make Bad Stuff Real Good

How To Make Bad Stuff Real Good

By Tzvi Freeman


Can You Bribe G‑d?

Can You Bribe G‑d?

What does the question even mean? How would one "bribe" the Creator anyway?

By Yossi Ives

What Makes You Happy and Why?

What Makes You Happy and Why?

Joy is considered a must for true mitzvah observance, and we are encouraged to find ways to stay happy.

By Aharon Loschak


Your Questions
Why Is the Torah Not Always Pronounced as Written?

Why Is the Torah Not Always Pronounced as Written?

At times, it is only a slight variance, but at others, it can be a completely different word.

By Yehuda Shurpin

Why 'Sanctify' Shabbat After It Already Ended?

Why 'Sanctify' Shabbat After It Already Ended?

Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Shabbat II.

By Mordechai Rubin


Jewish News
Dancing Through the Streets with the Torah in the Heart of Tel Aviv

Dancing Through the Streets with the Torah in the Heart of Tel Aviv

Chabad on the Coast brings the joy of Judaism to English-speaking residents

By Yaakov Ort

What's the Top School in Berlin? A Jewish High School for Girls!

What's the Top School in Berlin? A Jewish High School for Girls!

Students receive best scores in year-end testing

By Faygie Levy Holt

100 Strangers Attend Jewish Burial for Man From Tiny Alaskan City

100 Strangers Attend Jewish Burial for Man From Tiny Alaskan City

The dying man's request: "Rabbi, bury me with my people"

By Menachem Posner

In Idyllic South Africa Beach Town, a Dystopian Nightmare of Rioting and Covid

In Idyllic South Africa Beach Town, a Dystopian Nightmare of Rioting and Covid

Chabad in Umhlanga, South Africa provides food and comfort to terrified communities

By Yosef Kaufmann


Why You Need to Develop Your Talents

Why You Need to Develop Your Talents

By Aidy Kuravsky

Watch (3:07)
One Couple's Fight for Their Baby's Life

One Couple's Fight for Their Baby's Life

Meet Rabbi Eli and Chaya Rochel Estrin, authors of "Of Medicine, Miracles and Mindsets", in a fascinating interview with Chana Weisberg, where the Estrins describe their story to save their miracle baby, the major challenges involved, and the lessons learned.

By Eli and Chaya Rochel Estrin

Watch (1:00:52)

'Doda Mary' Feiner: Every Soldier's Mother Loved Her

'Doda Mary' Feiner: Every Soldier's Mother Loved Her

"There's this amazing woman, Mom, and she takes care of all the soldiers. Her name's 'Doda (Aunty) Mary.' "

By Ann Goldberg

My Husband, My Warrior

My Husband, My Warrior

Coming Back from the Black Hole of Depression

By Anonymous


His Name Shone

His Name Shone

The Rebbe picked up a note: "Who wrote this note? His name glistens and shines!"

By Hillel Baron

Jewish Calendar
Learn to Read Torah and Haftarah With Trope (Audio)

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