Wednesday, July 21, 2021

FW: Never too late to grow

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-------- Original message --------
From: Chofez Chaim Heritage Foundation <>
Date: 7/21/21 7:31 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Never too late to grow

The fast didn't let you make it to the Tisha B'Av Event?

You don't have to miss out on the inspiration that 50,000 Jews around the world enjoyed.

You can still watch now.

You can also download an mp3 of all the programs for $13.99 - yours to keep forever → 

Or get just one of them for $4.99 →

What you get:

Program A: Bringing power back to klal Yisrael

Program B: Why unity matters: the surprising truth about other Jews & your life

Program C: Exclusive roundtable for women

+ Bonuses:

A relationships masterclass from the experts

You, the Non-Jew, and secular influence

Choose a program

Because you still want to hear what you can do to make Nachamu come true.

(and forever access at this low price doesn't sound too bad either ;)

Yeah, I want forever access to programs 50,000 chose to watch

P.S. Special free video alert:

Now that Rosh Hashanah's coming up, we think you'll want some additional inspiration. 

2-minute motivational videos to inspire real change, in your inbox 3x/week

→ Get the Live Life Better videos in your inbox or whatsapp

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(845) 352-3505

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