Monday, July 26, 2021

FW: With Thanks and Please Daven

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-------- Original message --------
From: Project Inspire <>
Date: 7/26/21 4:39 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: With Thanks and Please Daven

With thanks to all of you who participated in viewing our Tisha B'Av video for this year (approximately 50,000 so far, ba"h).

The feedback has been tremendous and we hope that the message and the profundity of people like Eliyahu Essas, Yosef Mendelevitch and Aryeh Katzin - their lives, their words and their actions - touched you in as profound a way as they touched me. Thanks especially to my dear colleagues Rabbi Yossie Friedman and Danielle Haas for putting this vital film together.

May we merit to appreciate the tremendous opportunity we have in this generation to serve the Almighty and to learn His Torah without restriction, to take pleasure in its beauty, and to share it freely with our brothers and sisters, so many of whom are not privileged to experience the joy, wisdom and meaning our Divine heritage.
As Rabbi Eliyahu Essas so eloquently put it: "not to share is a criminal act"!

If you haven't seen the video, I urge you to view this masterpiece along with your family. It is a part of the recent history of our People that needs to be known, and about which lessons need to be learned. "Iron Faith" brings all this to the fore.

Please also sign up to get more involved in "sharing" by clicking the links at the bottom of this email.

We also have a great program that has been successful in deeply affecting the lives of thousands of Jews, our 1-on-1 Learning Program. Sign up now!

May we see Jerusalem Rebuilt speedily in our days.
Wishing you all a joyous summer.

With appreciation,
Chaim Sampson

Please pray for the son of dear friends of Project Inspire,
Binyomin Shimon ben Yehudis Leah,
who is undergoing a major operation tomorrow.
May he have a refuah shleimah b'soch shaar cholei Yisroel.
Best wishes to all.
Watch the Film
Corporate Sponsors
Neal Gittleman, MD and Associates Pediatrics
Eli & Rita Goldberg
Judy and Yitzchak Sussman,
In Memory of פיגא בת ר' דוד Lehrer Tusk ע"ה
In Loving Memory of Ezriel Ben David z"l
Lewis & Abby Berry
Hershy & Lea Mendelsohn
Ephraim & Shonny Berger
Lou & Edie Goldberg
Mendy & Surie Eisikovic
David & Lauren Moss
Jacob & Lilly Gold
Lydia Mark
Ronen Hizami
Benjamin Schandelson
Richard & Julie Lobel
Avrohom & Itty Weiss
Lawton Cooper
Joseph Mason
Sam Horowitz
Marvin Rosenzweig
Irma Kramer
Michael Slutsky
Sondra Leidner
Rabbi Yakov Vann
Harlan Loeb
Michael Weingardt
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