Thursday, July 29, 2021

Fwd: A JLIC Midsummer Night's Dream; Remembering Rabbi Dr. Reuven Bulka z"l; Rabbi Moshe Hauer on the Dire Need for NSGP Funding

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Jul 29, 2021, 7:39 PM
Subject: A JLIC Midsummer Night's Dream; Remembering Rabbi Dr. Reuven Bulka z"l; Rabbi Moshe Hauer on the Dire Need for NSGP Funding
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Talk About a Midsummer Night's Dream! JLIConnections Is 30% Off

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PARSHAT EIKEV July 30-31, 2021 / 22 Av 5781


HAFTARAH Isaiah 49:14 – 51:3

Around the OU
Rabbi Moshe Hauer in Jewish Insider on the Dire Need for Greater NSGP Funding
Rabbi Moshe Hauer in Jewish Insider on the Dire Need for Greater NSGP Funding
Jewish Insider

More than half of applications to the NSGP were denied this year. OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer comments on this issue.

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Keeping It Kosher in the Age of Corona
Keeping It Kosher in the Age of Corona
Merri Ukraincik

A story of change and adaptability unfolding behind the scenes at OU Kosher.

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Carob Trees and Deep Roots: Self-Understanding as a Product of Considering Others
Carob Trees and Deep Roots: Self-Understanding as a Product of Considering Others
OU Center for Communal Research

Adina Bankier-Karp, PhD, explores what Americans can learn from some of the smaller Jewish communities around the world.

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A Legacy of Kindness and Faith: Remembering Rabbi Dr. Reuven P. Bulka zl
A Legacy of Kindness and Faith: Remembering Rabbi Dr. Reuven P. Bulka z"l
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin

A beloved father, grandfather, friend, colleague, mentor and "Canada's Rabbi," Rabbi Dr. Reuven P. Bulka z"l leaves behind a legacy of kindness and impact beyond measure.

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Loneliness in the World of Hyper-Connectivity
Loneliness in the World of Hyper-Connectivity

SPIRIT presents a look at the challenge and impact of loneliness in our time.

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How to Live a Long Life
How to Live a Long Life
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why did Rabbi Yochanan not understand how people could live long lives outside of Israel? What does living a long life really mean?

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A Strange Segue
A Strange Segue
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

The brilliance of the Torah is clear to see. God warns the nation of exile, then prescribes the one process that will allow them to survive that exile as a people.

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Amen Potpourri
Amen Potpourri
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

How should you daven if you're late to shul? How do you answer if you enter during Kaddish? Who is exempt from saying amen? All this and more!

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Discipline and Suffering
Discipline and Suffering
Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

How can discipline be about setting goals and not limits? Rabbi Weinreb explains using Parshat Eikev.

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To Lead Is to Listen
To Lead Is to Listen
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

The verb "Sh-M-A," which appears no fewer than 92 times in sefer Devarim, represents a fundamental motif of the book.

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Halacha Yomis: Traveling and Lechem Mishneh
Halacha Yomis: Traveling and Lechem Mishneh
OU Kosher

A popular question as many go on summer trips: What exactly can be used for lechem mishneh?

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Else Nutrition is pioneering the baby and childhood nutrition market with the first clean-label, organic, plant-based baby and toddler nutrition formulas.

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Featured Products
Blessings and Thanksgiving: Reflections on the Siddur and Synagogue
Blessings and Thanksgiving: Reflections on the Siddur and Synagogue
OU Press

Blessings and Thanksgiving is a significant contribution toward our understanding not only of specific prayers, but of the Jewish approach to the encounter between man and God as understood and experienced by Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik ztz"l.

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Covenant & Conversation – Deuteronomy: Renewal of the Sinai Covenant
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In Covenant & Conversation – Deuteronomy, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks ztz"l fuses Jewish tradition, Western philosophy and literature to present a highly developed understanding of the human condition under God's sovereignty.

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