Thursday, July 1, 2021

Fwd: Making of a Mechitzah; 7 Masechtos in 8 Months; Jewish Action's Record Win

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Jul 1, 2021, 7:35 PM
Subject: Making of a Mechitzah; 7 Masechtos in 8 Months; Jewish Action's Record Win
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Jewish Action Wins Five Rockower Awards
Jewish Action Wins Five Rockower Awards
Jewish Action

Jewish Action wins three first-place and two second-place awards at the "Jewish Pulitzers" for work published in 2020. Read the award-winning articles, which deal with subjects ranging from vaping among Orthodox teens to Jewish student anxiety on college campuses.

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A Rally in Solidarity with the Jewish People
A Rally in Solidarity With the Jewish People
Orthodox Union

Join the masses in Washington D.C. on Sunday, July 11 at 1 PM, for a rally against anti-Semitism, sponsored by the Orthodox Union, along with our partner organizations. The event falls out during the Nine Days, a poignant time for the Jewish community to express our concern for the rise in anti-Semitism and to unite with one powerful voice in our nation's capital.

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PARSHAT PINCHAS July 2-3, 2021 / 23 Tammuz 5781


HAFTARAH Jeremiah 1:1 – 2:3


THIS SHABBAT Mevarchim HaChodesh for the month of Av (Rosh Chodesh Av is observed on Shabbat, July 10).

Virtual Kosher Encounter
Around the OU
Rabbi Moshe Hauer Featured in 5TJT's People in the News
Rabbi Moshe Hauer Featured in 5TJT's 'People in the News'

OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer spoke about the success of OU Advocacy's Unite and Advocate project, which arranges meetings between community members and their legislators.

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Life After Covid-19: Lessons From the Holocaust
Life After Covid-19: Lessons From the Holocaust

Learn lessons from the Holocaust in overcoming adversity and rebuilding after trauma, recognizing your inner strength, living with a sense of mission and using past trauma to propel forward and thrive.

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Last Chance to Sign Up for ALIT!
Last Chance to Sign Up for ALIT!
OU Women's Initiative

ALIT Virtual Summer Beit Midrash begins soon – it's your last chance to sign up and hear from some of the most acclaimed female speakers!

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A Backstage Pass to the World of Kosher
A Backstage Pass to the World of Kosher
OU Kosher

Virtually explore the latest in kosher. Get an insider's look at OU Kosher-certified facilities and learn about wine, restaurants, bakeries and fish. The webinar runs Monday-Thursday, July 19-22.

Register Today
Mesechet Yoma Siyum in Chicago
Mesechet Yoma Siyum in Chicago
All Daf

Join All Daf virtually or in-person for a special siyum event in Chicago celebrating Daf Yomi's completion of masechet Yoma. A brief, inspirational program will include guest speakers and featured videos.

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Zealotry and Tolerance
Zealotry and Tolerance
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Our times call for a different approach entirely. Today, we must conform to an almost opposite Torah value; namely, tolerance.

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Intellectual and Emotional Transmission of Torah
Intellectual and Emotional Transmission of Torah
Rabbi Shalom Rosner

This week's parsha features a formulation only found once in the Torah. Find out more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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Concluding Goal Yisroel Silently
Concluding Go'al Yisroel Silently
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

There is a common practice for the shaliach tzibbur to conclude the bracha of go'al Yisroel silently. Is this the proper course of action?

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Day Five: Growth Through Discomfort
Day Five: Growth Through Discomfort
Dr. Erica Brown

Jewish tradition treats words as having the concreteness of objects. They are our intellectual and emotional currency; they exist in the world.

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Pinchas and the Priesthood
Pinchas and the Priesthood
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Pinchas was rewarded by God with an eternal covenant of kehunah. But what kind of kohen did Pinchas become?

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Seven Masechtos in Eight Months
Seven Masechtos in Eight Months
All Daf

Participate in a unique opportunity in the Daf Yomi cycle. Starting July 9, Daf Yomi will begin a stretch of seven familiar mesechtos: Succah, Beitzah, Rosh Hashana, Taanis, Megillah, Moed Katan and Chagigah! Whether you're a daily daf learner, an All Daf user or a newcomer, sign up for this special program.

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Lessons of a Leader
Lessons of a Leader
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

Homo sapiens is the most diverse of all life forms, so cooperation is essential. Because we are each different, cohesion is difficult. This makes leadership necessary, but also challenging.

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Travel and the Nine Days
Travel and the Nine Days
OU Kosher

Is it appropriate to go on trips for pleasure during the Three Weeks or the Nine Days? Halacha Yomis has the answer.

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Three Weeks Ideas & Inspiration
Jewish Thought
The Making of a Mechitzah
The Making of a Mechitzah
Aviva Oppenheim

A fascinating look into the many considerations that contribute to a mechitzah's construction from the recently published Summer 5781 edition of Jewish Action.

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Community News
Can Five Minutes Help a Teen Injured in Meron?
Can Five Minutes Help a Teen Injured in Meron?
Five Minutes for Yossi

A teenager who was severely injured in the Meron tragedy is in need of a refuah sheleimah – can you take five minutes to perform a mitzvah in his z'chut?

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Probing the Flexetarian Diet: Innovations in Kosher, Plant-Based Protein Foods
Probing the Flexetarian Diet: Innovations in Kosher, Plant-Based Protein Foods
Steven Genack

Companies are innovating in the plant-based protein realm using such bases as navy beans and walnuts.

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Featured Company: Royal Avebe
Featured Company: Royal Avebe
OU Kosher

Royal Avebe is a cooperative of 2,300 arable farmers in the Netherlands and Germany.

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Featured Products
The Koren Mesorat HaRav Kinot
The Koren Mesorat HaRav Kinot
OU Press

The Koren Kinot Mesorat HaRav provides the complete Tisha b'Av service and an exceptional commentary on the Kinot by the Rav.

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Shalom Rav Vol. II
Shalom Rav Vol. II
OU Press

Shalom Rav is a compilation of Rabbi Shalom Rosner's inspiring and thought-provoking ideas on the weekly parsha.

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Yachad Summer is Back - Donate Today!
Yachad Positions
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NCSY City Director Positions
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