Monday, August 16, 2021

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 8 Elul 5781/August 16, 2021

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Mon, Aug 16, 2021, 3:58 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 8 Elul 5781/August 16, 2021
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
August 16, 2021 - 8 Elul 5781
News from the Agudah:

  • The most significant source of state funding for New Jersey's nonpublic schools just got its first per-pupil increase in five years! See below for more details.

  • Brooklyn Residents: The Daf Yomi Commission of Agudah is proud to announce that they will be hosting a series of community shiurim on everything you need to know before building your succah. Tonight's shiur will be at 9:00 PM EDT, at Agudath Israel Bais Binyomin 2913 Avenue L Brooklyn, NY 11210.See below for more details and for the full schedule.

  • PCS will be having an open house for their software and web development course this Wednesday, August 18. See below for more details and to register.

  • Yarchei Kallah continues this week on Inyanei Yom HaKippurim U'Teshuvah. See below for this week's schedule.

Agudah Applauds Increase in Per-Pupil Funding for NJ Nonpublic School Auxiliary Services  
The most significant source of state funding for New Jersey's nonpublic schools just got its first per-pupil increase in five years, said Agudah's New Jersey director, Rabbi Avi Schnall, thanks to the efforts of Assembly Deputy Speaker Gary Schaer and Governor Phil Murphy. 

"New Jersey leads the nation in nonpublic school security funding, and is generous with its technology, nursing, and textbook allocations as well," explained Rabbi Schnall. "But the most important source of state funding is auxiliary services, known formally as 'chapter 192 funding.' This funding allows private schools to hire vendors to provide tutoring and in-class support for students who need extra help."  

Although the state budget calls for $995.33 to be spent on each student every year, a stipulation in the budget allows the Education Department to lower the allocation in case there is not enough money in the state's budget. For the past five years, due to a shortage of available funds and a growing student population, the Education Department lowered the amount on a per-student basis. In 2021, each student was only projected to get $746 worth of services, down from $811 in 2020, $846 in 2019, and still below $885 allocated in 2018.  

The freefalling per-pupil rate threatened the program's viability, and at the request of school administrators and concerned parents, the Agudah's New Jersey office engaged with key policymakers to increase funding for the program. "It was a two-year campaign, and the legislature finally broke the barrier and increased the allocation back in 2020," said Rabbi Schnall.  

Yet, as sometimes happens with government programs, red tape held up the increased allocation in 2020 from being implemented. This year, the Agudah once again focused on this problem, engaged with New Jersey legislators and officials in Governor Murphy's office. Rabbi Schnall worked closely with Deputy Assembly Speaker Schaer on this issue, who added the necessary funding into the state budget. Governor Murphy – responding to the needs of the nonpublic school population – signed the increase into law in June.  

Last week, the Department of Education announced that the per pupil rate for this coming school year ('21-'22) is going to be $895 – a funding level not seen since 2017. "This increase positively affects our children in a real and substantial way," said Rabbi Schnall, "and as a community, we once again express our appreciation to Assembly Deputy Speaker Schaer and Governor Murphy for being attentive to our needs."      
Succah Understood
The Daf Yomi Commission of Agudas Yisroel is excited to announce that they will be hosting a series of community shiurim on everything you need to know before building your succah. The shiurim will be presented by Rabbi Sholomo Francis and Rabbi Yonason Glenner and will feature a fascinating live audio-visual presentation.

The shiurim will be held at the following locations:

Monday, August 16, 9:00 PM Agudath Israel Bais Binyomin 2913 Avenue L Brooklyn, NY 11210.

Tuesday, August 17, Following 8:30 PM Maariv Passaic Clifton Community Kollel 411 Main Ave. Clifton, NJ 07014.

Wednesday, August 18, 7:45 PM Agudath Israel of Long Island 1121 Sage St. Far Rockaway, NY 11691.

Thursday, August 19, 8:45 PM Ohel Simcha 141-41 72nd Ave. Flushing, NY 11367.

Motzei Shabbos, August 21, 10:00 PM Khal Zichron Yaakov 175 Sunset Rd. Lakewood, NJ 08701.

Sunday, August 22, 10:00 AM Kehillas Kol Torah 2929 Fallstaff Rd. Baltimore, MD 21209.

Sunday, August 22, Following 8:45 PM Maariv Kehal Zichron Chaim 2203 South Green Rd. University Heights, OH 44121.
PCS Software and Web Development Course Open House
Are you looking into programing? This course is your path to a successful job!

PCS/Agudath Israel Software and Web Development Open House Wednesday August 18, 7:30.

Train for the #2 best job by US News & World Report 2021, Software developer
Software & Web Development Course (10th Cohort).

  • 8 placement coordinators to help you find a job
  • Placement- decades of relationships with 100's of firms
  • Guaranteed Internships upon course completion
  • Hands-on instruction, up-to-date curriculum, stellar instructors to help you succeed
  • Lab/ tutors to help you master the material and create a portfolio
  • Remote classes and remote tutoring- join from anywhere
  • Optional Bachelor's degree (Yeshiva and Seminary credits accepted)
  • Separate classes for men and women

Not sure if this is the right career for you? Aptitude testing available.

In person open house at:
PCS/Professional Career Services
1771 Madison Avenue
Lakewood, NJ 08701

Virtual open house: For log in/ call in information email:

For more information, call 732-905-9700 ext. 610.
Inyanei Yom HaKippurim U'Teshuva
The shiurim continue this week with the access information as follows:

The Zoom access link is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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