Thursday, October 21, 2021

Fwd: First Yahrzeit of Rabbi Sacks; Bookend Challenges; Navigating a Secular College Campus

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Date: Thu, Oct 21, 2021, 7:37 PM
Subject: First Yahrzeit of Rabbi Sacks; Bookend Challenges; Navigating a Secular College Campus
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An Evening of Learning and Conversation in Memory of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztzl
An Evening of Learning and Conversation in Memory of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l
Orthodox Union

Join us this Tuesday, October 26, in-person or via livestream, for a special event in memory of Rabbi Sacks ztz"l on the occasion of his first yahrzeit. Featured speakers include Dr. Erica Brown, director, Mayberg Center for Jewish Education and Jewish Leadership, The George Washington University; Rabbi Moshe Hauer, executive vice president, Orthodox Union; Rabbi Shaul Robinson, senior rabbi, Lincoln Square Synagogue; and Rabbi JJ Schachter, professor of Jewish history and Jewish thought, Yeshiva University.

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PARSHAT VAYEIRA October 22-23, 2021 / 17 Marcheshvan 5782


HAFTARAH II Kings 4:1 – 4:37

Commemorating Rabbi Sacks' Life and Legacy
Commemorating Rabbi Sacks' Life and Legacy
The Torah Blog

Rabbi Sacks ztz"l was an extremely influential voice in Jewish thought. Find out where you can find his unique vision on OU Torah and elsewhere.

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Trials and Tribulations
Trials and Tribulations
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

We cannot avoid challenges. Perhaps this is the most important life lesson that Abraham taught us.

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The Binding of Isaac
The Binding of Isaac
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

To understand the binding of Isaac, we have to realize that much of the Torah is a polemic against worldviews the Torah considers pagan, inhuman and wrong.

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The Bookend Challenges
The Bookend Challenges
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Two challenges form the bookends of the story of Avraham, both beginning with the words "Lech lecha." One confronted Avraham's past, and the other, his future.

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Understanding a Test
Understanding a Test
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

Our confrontation with akeidat Yitzchak provides us with a perfect opportunity to explore the concept of nisayon within Jewish thought as a whole.

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I'm Not Hungry, but What About My Guests?
I'm Not Hungry, but What About My Guests?
OU Kosher

A common scenario: Shabbos lunch guests are ready to eat, but the host is not. Halacha Yomis has the solution.

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Around the OU
Download the OU Kosher Israel Guide 5782 – 2021/22
Download the OU Kosher Israel Guide 5782 – 2021/22
OU Israel

Have plans to visit Israel? Check out OU Kosher's guide to help you better understand and observe kashrut in Israel, including the laws related to the current shemittah year.

Download the Guide
The 21st-Century College Campus–Will Your Grandchildren Be Safe?
The 21st-Century College Campus–Will Your Grandchildren Be Safe?
SPIRIT Initiative

OU-JLIC Director Rabbi Ilan Haber tracks the trends that he has seen in his work to help you better understand and identify the dangers and challenges, as well as the opportunities for students to grow and thrive on today's college campuses.

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Teaching Children With Learning Disabilities to Persevere
Teaching Children With Learning Disabilities to Persevere
Adina Soclof

Falling and getting up, and making mistakes and using them as opportunities are essential parts of learning how to cope, grow and finally succeed.

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Crazy Richard's
Crazy Richard's
OU Kosher

Crazy Richard's has all-natural peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter and peanut butter powder. But it's their newest product that has everyone talking – Wholly Rollies, all-natural frozen protein balls!

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Featured Products
Covenant & Conversation – Full Set
Covenant & Conversation – Full Set
OU Press

In this five-volume collection of parashat hashavua commentaries, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l fuses Jewish tradition, Western philosophy and literature to present a highly developed understanding of the human condition under God's sovereignty.

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The Shnayim Mikra Companion
The Shnayim Mikra Companion
OU Press

The Shnayim Mikra Companion, by Rabbi Jack Abramowitz, enables readers to get a quick overview of the weekly Torah portion, incorporating the interpretations of the Talmud, Midrash and traditional commentators.

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NCSY Positions
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