Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 14 Cheshvan 5782/October 20, 2021

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Wed, Oct 20, 2021, 4:12 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 14 Cheshvan 5782/October 20, 2021
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
October 20, 2021 - 14 Cheshvan 5782
News from the Agudah:

  • The tragic passing of Alta Fixsler has sent shockwaves throughout the globe, but amidst the horror of this incredible travesty of justice comes an additional wave of emotion - fear. See below to read the full statement released by Agudah's Chayim Aruchim division.

  • Bnos Tween Light, Bnos Agudas Yisroel's middle school division is finally here! See below for more details and how you and your daughter can get involved.

  • Agudath Israel will be co-hosting a White House webinar on the Child Tax Credit, a program of great import to our community, tomorrow, Thursday, October 21, at 12:30 PM ET. See below for more details and register today for the webinar tomorrow.

  • Yarchei Kallah will continue this week on the topic of Iyunim B'hilchos Sheviis. See below for this week's schedule and how to join for this timely topic! To view previous shiurim in the Yarchei Kallah series on shmittah click here.
Tears for Alta Fixsler Bring a Commitment for the Future
The tragic passing of Alta Fixsler has sent shockwaves throughout the globe, but amidst the horror of this incredible travesty of justice comes an additional wave of emotion - fear. Parents of seriously ill children are understandably worried about finding themselves in similar situations and the Chayim Aruchim hotline has been flooded with calls from people wondering if something similar could happen in the United States and, if so, how to prevent another tragedy of this nature.

Alta Fixsler's case, which had the UK government deciding that it was in the little girl's best interests to disconnect her from lifesaving equipment, demonstrates that those concerns are very well founded. Parents have told us that hospitals have been strongly encouraging them to sign DNRs and other legally binding documents that would give them permission not to put their seriously ill children on respirators. This approach runs counter to all that we believe as Torah-true yidden who treasure every priceless moment of life.

Chayim Aruchim has challenged hospitals on many occasions to ensure that patients not be removed from lifesaving medical devices, winning multiple court cases against one hospital in particular. Our rabbonim, lawyers and medical experts work around the clock to protect our community and to overcome the obstacles we face in a society that continues to distance itself from the sanctity of life.

Alta Fixsler's death is a reminder that every moment of life is of inestimable value. As we mourn her passing, we recommit ourselves to doing everything in our power to ensure that all patients, even the most seriously ill, have the opportunity to receive lifesaving care and to live out all of their days in accordance with Jewish law.

As always, Chayim Aruchim is just a phone call away. If you have any concerns, doubts or fears about medical care your loved one is receiving, call us 24/6 at 718-ARUCHIM.
Let There Be Light! New Bnos Program Debuts
Have you heard the news? Bnos' exciting new middle school girls' program is starting.

Middle-schoolers are too old for Bnos Shabbos groups, and for years we had no way to include them in Bnos. Then came Bnos One on One, where we paired middle school Little Sisters for individual activities with high school Big Sisters. Building on that success, we wanted to give 6th, 7th, and 8t graders their own group activities, too.

We spent the summer planning events, activities, a curriculum, a theme, and middos lessons with cool acronyms. We worked on a song and set up an exclusive hotline. Then, in Elul, we turned to our girls to fill in the missing piece: a name.

Now, the results of the naming contest are in. Introducing Bnos Tween Light!

Why Tween Light? We're shining a spotlight on our amazing middle-schoolers, giving each girl a chance to shine. The girls will see Bnos in a whole new light as they light up their Shabbos and their entire week.

We have an amazing opening event planned and much more in the works. Middle-schoolers, this is your chance to be in the limelight. To find your closest Bnos Tween Light branch, email

Would you like to be a light in our girls' lives? Start a new Bnos Tween Light branch. Email us at to find out how.

See the light with Bnos Tween Light!
Agudath Israel to Co-Host a White House Webinar on the Child Tax Credit 
Agudath Israel of America is proud to announce that it will be co-hosting a White House webinar on the Child Tax Credit, which is a program of great import to our community. Many families are struggling financially and the Child Tax Credit is an opportunity to help them cover their expenses, especially as children in our community have been back in school during these difficult times. To help address the situation, the Agudah is engaging with the White House and Treasury Department to assist in enrolling eligible families in the Child Tax Credit, with a particular focus on families that may not usually file taxes and may be in need of financial support. 

The Agudah is partnering with the Jewish Federations of North America, the Orthodox Union, and the Rabbinical Alliance to co-host a one-hour training to help organizations and individuals to learn more about the Child Tax Credit and how to enroll or help those in your community enroll. 

The webinar will feature Chanan Weissman, liaison to the American Jewish community, the White House; Josh Dickson, deputy director, the White House Office of Faith-Based Initiatives; and Thomas West, deputy assistant secretary, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and will provide an overview of the Child Tax Credit as well as a walk-through of the Non-Filer Portal. 

 The session will provide an overview of the Child Tax Credit and walk through the Non-Filer Portal to show everyone how they can best guide members of their community enroll in this vital aid. Experts estimate the new Child Tax Credit has the potential to cut child poverty in half. It provides the largest such tax credit ever and critical relief to the largest number of working families ($3,000 per child 6-17 years old and $3,600 per child under 6 years old). 

The webinar will take place on Thursday, October 21 at 12:30 PM EST. Click here to register. For more on the Child Tax Credit please click here.   
Iyunim B'hilchos Sheviis
The shiurim will continue this week with the access information as follows:

The Zoom access link is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
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