Sunday, November 28, 2021

FW: Here's our gift to you for Chanukah!

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-------- Original message --------
From: "" <>
Date: 11/28/21 10:54 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Here's our gift to you for Chanukah! Magazine

The Ultimate Chanukah Celebration

By the Grace of G-d

Chanukah, the festival of lights, begins tonight, Sunday evening, November 28. Jews worldwide will kindle the first flame on the menorah in the cozy company of dear family and close friends.

On Chanukah, we gather around the menorah and share stories of strength and survival, recalling the miraculous victory of the few over the many, the G‑dly over the profane, and the weak over the mighty.

To help Jews everywhere celebrate a most uplifting and joyous Chanukah, has published Eight Lights for Eight Nights, a night-by-night program to be printed and enjoyed. Each night, readers will be treated to uplifting teachings, heartwarming stories and fun crafts for children to enjoy.

DIY Guide: The Ultimate Chanukah Celebration

The Ultimate Chanukah Celebration
A DIY Guide to Hosting Your Own Chanukah Celebration

We'd like to invite you to download this free booklet for you and your family to enjoy.

Download and print the booklet here.

We hope you enjoy.

From our family to yours, have a truly happy Chanukah!

The Family

P.S. Please join us for LIVE Chanukah celebrations that will air on throughout Chanukah. Click here to learn more.
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