Thursday, November 4, 2021

Fwd: Join us TODAY at 12 noon EDT to watch Ms. Zissy Turner

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From: OU Women's Initiative <>
Date: Thu, Nov 4, 2021, 7:01 AM
Subject: Join us TODAY at 12 noon EDT to watch Ms. Zissy Turner
To: <>

The OU Women's Initiative


Our virtual Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan shiur with Ms. Zissy Turner will take place today at 12 noon EDT at

Ms. Zissy Turner serves on the Judaic studies faculty at Salanter Akiba Riverdale (SAR) High School in Riverdale, NY, teaching Tanakh and Gemara. She is certified as a Yoetzet Halakha through Nishmat's Miriam Glaubach Center. Zissy has previously served as Community Educator at Lincoln Square Synagogue, where she facilitated programs and initiatives to engage and teach the vibrant Upper West Side community. Zissy is a graduate of Yeshiva University's Graduate Program in Advanced Talmud Study (GPATS) where she was a Wexner Graduate Fellow/ Davidson Scholar.  Zissy has taught in diverse communities across the United States and Great Britain, sharing her love for Torah and Mitzvot with Jews in all stages of life. 

Wishing you a month of spiritual growth. 
Chodesh tov,

Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Director, The Women's Initiative

Our Upcoming Speaker:

Rebbetzin Rifki Freundlich Tevet: December 5, 2021 - Rebbetzin Rifki Freundlich, Rebbetzin, Rebbetzin of Congregation TBDJ, Montreal, QB; Yoetzet Halacha

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