Thursday, November 25, 2021

Fwd: The Kosher Supply Chain; A 'Good Shabbos' Can Change the World; Visiting Har HaZeitim

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Nov 25, 2021, 7:37 PM
Subject: The Kosher Supply Chain; A 'Good Shabbos' Can Change the World; Visiting Har HaZeitim
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The View From Pew
The View From Pew
Jewish Action

From the Winter 2021 issue of Jewish Action: Back in 2013, when the Pew Research Center released its landmark study entitled "A Portrait of Jewish Americans," Jewish Action asked various contributors to offer their observations and recommendations. With the release of Pew's latest report some months ago, we asked some of the same contributors to analyze the newest findings while reflecting back on their suggestions from eight years ago.

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Entrepreneurs Welcome Here: Impact Accelerator Opens Applications for Cohort IV
Entrepreneurs Welcome Here: Impact Accelerator Opens Applications for Cohort IV
OU Impact Accelerator

Applications to help transform the Jewish landscape are now being accepted. The OU Impact Accelerator is built on mentorship-based growth and early-stage funding for Jewish nonprofit founders with the next groundbreaking ideas. Nonprofits promoting greater affordability, programming that engages the elderly, or innovative service delivery will be prioritized.

Learn More and Apply Today

PARSHAT VAYEISHEV November 26-27, 2021 / 23 Kislev 5782


HAFTARAH Amos 2:6 – 3:8


THIS SHABBAT Mevarchim HaChodesh for the month of Tevet


SPECIAL DAYS Chanukah begins Sunday night, November 28, and is celebrated through Monday, December 6.


Rosh Chodesh Tevet is celebrated on Shabbat, December 4, and Sunday, December 5.

Around the OU
Rabbi Moshe Hauer on Parenting with Unconditional Love
Rabbi Moshe Hauer on Parenting With Unconditional Love
JEDucation Podcast

Rabbi Hauer discusses how his parenting was different from his parents', and the importance of unconditional love and how to develop it.

Listen Now
Planning Your Communal Role—Yet Again
Planning Your Communal Role—Yet Again
Moishe Bane

If you want to become a communal activist, read this.

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Tell Congress: Don't Exclude Our Children From the Build Back Better Act
Tell Congress: Don't Exclude Our Children From the Build Back Better Act
OU Advocacy

Over half of American families who send their children to faith-based childcare and pre-K are about to be excluded from new federal programs under the new Build Back Better Act.

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Eight Days of Inspiration
Eight Days of Inspiration
OU Torah Initiatives

Get ready for Chanukah by visiting for inspiring videos, thought-provoking divrei Torah, Chanukah recipes and more.

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Who Is the Hero of Jewish History?
Who Is the Hero of Jewish History?
Orthodox Union

Don't miss the Sheldon Rudoff a"h memorial lecture on Wednesday, December 8. This year the speaker will be Yeshiva University President Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman. Mr. Rudoff was a past president of the Orthodox Union.

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New Project Aims to Bring Tourists to the Mount of Olives
New Project Aims to Bring Tourists to the Mount of Olives
OU Israel

Learn how OU Israel and the International Committee for Har Hazeitim teamed up to bring visitors to the Mount of Olives.

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Kislev-Tevet Ideas and Inspiration
Kislev-Tevet Ideas and Inspiration
OU Women's Initiative

Join the OU Women's Initiative for three incredible lectures, beginning on Tuesday, November 30.

View the Schedule
What's the Truth About Joseph's Technicolor Dreamcoat?
What's the Truth About Joseph's Technicolor Dreamcoat?
Rabbi Dr. Ari Zivotofsky

What's the real story behind the coat that Yaakov Avinu gave to Yosef?

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The Thirty-Six Candles of Chanukah
The Thirty-Six Candles of Chanukah
Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider

The lights of Chanukah remind us that the spiritual light that once adorned mankind can be lit up again.

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The True Value of Human Actions
The True Value of Human Actions
Rabbi Menachem Genack

The Midrash tells us that although Reuven saved Yosef from his brothers, had he known that the Torah would record his actions he would have acted differently. What does this mean and what implication does it have for our own actions?

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Is There Pirsumei Nisa for Non-Jews?
Is There Pirsumei Nisa for Non-Jews?
Halacha Yomis

Is the miracle of Chanukah universally relevant? Get the answer from Halacha Yomis.

Get the Answer
A Simple Good Shabbos Can Change the World
A Simple "Good Shabbos" Can Change the World
Rabbi Eliyahu Safran

We can never know the power and import of a simple – and genuine – greeting.

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Save the Date: Celebrating Torat Imecha Nach Yomi
Save the Date: Celebrating Torat Imecha Nach Yomi
OU Women's Initiative

Join us for in-person and virtual events surrounding the completion of the Nach Yomi cycle in January and the beginning of the next cycle.

Sign Up for Siyum Updates
Secular Names
Secular Names
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

When you write to a Jewish organization to complain about rabbis using their secular names and it reaches a guy called "Rabbi Jack."

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The Wisdom of the East
The "Wisdom" of the East
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Is there anything wrong with seeking tranquility and inner peace?

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The Heroism of Tamar
The Heroism of Tamar
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

Judah is the first real baal teshuvah, the first person in the Torah explicitly to admit he was wrong, but the real hero of the story was Tamar.

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A Good Fry
A Good Fry
Naomi Ross

Enjoy multiple takes on the classic Chanukah treat – get your frying pans ready!

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The Many Varieties of Kosher Olive Oil
The Many Varieties of Kosher Olive Oil
Steven Genack

As Chanukah approaches, familiarize yourself with the different types of olive oils for eating and cooking, and their health benefits.

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Keeping the Kosher-Food Supply Chain Connected
Keeping the Kosher-Food Supply Chain Connected
Gary Magder

How is kosher food production being affected by global supply-chain issues?

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Featured Company: The Only Bean
Featured Company: The Only Bean
OU Kosher

The Only Bean's pasta products are made from 100% beans and are packed with three times the protein, six times the fiber and fewer than half the carbs of traditional pasta.

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Featured Products
Birkon Mesorat HaRav
Birkon Mesorat HaRav
OU Press

The Birkon Mesorat HaRav is a unique work which provides a companion for Shabbat, Yom Tov and other special occasions—such as the wedding, Sheva Berachot and the Brit Milah ceremonies—as well as for the blessings recited every day.

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The Person in the Parasha
The Person in the Parasha
OU Press

The Person in the Parasha, Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb's compilation of essays based on his highly popular column of the same name, offers the unique point of view of a world-renowned Torah scholar, community rabbi and clinical psychotherapist.

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NCSY Positions
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OU Positions
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