Thursday, November 11, 2021

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 7 Kislev 5782/November 11, 2021

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Thu, Nov 11, 2021, 5:31 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 7 Kislev 5782/November 11, 2021
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
November 11, 2021 - 7 Kislev 5782
News from the Agudah:

  • We had so many of you reach out to us Yesterday to point out that the siyum on Meseches Rosh Hashanah is in Kislev, not Cheshvan. We rely on you, our loyal readers, to tell us when we make a mistake. Thank you!

  • The Daf Yomi Commission of Agudas Yisroel is excited to announce their upcoming siyum on Meseches Rosh Hashanah. See below for more details and how to join.
  • After weeks of Capitol Hill uncertainty, Congress has passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which is expected to be signed next week. This bill contains both good and bad for nonprofits. See below to read.

  • From the Agudah mailbox: Lots of people have been calling and emailing with questions about registering for Camp Agudah and for Camp Agudah Midwest this upcoming summer. See below for our answers...

  • Bnos and Pirchei Newsletters: Download this week's Pirchei newsletters by clicking here for the Pirchei Pages, and here for the Pirchei Weekly. Download the Bnos newsletter for this Shabbos here.

  • Attention non-tax filers: We want to remind you that the deadline to sign up for the Child Tax Credit is on November 15, at 11:59 PM.

  • In honor of Veterans Day, Agudath Israel thanks all veterans who risked their lives to protect our country and liberty.
Siyum on Meseches Rosh Hashanah
This Shabbos, November 13th, Kislev 9, Daf Yomi learners across the globe will celebrate the conclusion of Maseches Rosh Hashanah and the beginning of Maseches Taanis.

On Sunday, November 14, Kislev 10, at 8:00 PM ET, the Daf Yomi Commission of Agudas Yisroel of America will bring together Lomdei HaDaf and their friends and families for a fascinating live broadcast of the Siyum on Rosh HaShanah. The siyum will be hosted by Bais Medrash Torah U'Tefilla- Bais Yaakov Yitzchok in Brooklyn New York, and will feature Rabbi Dovid Heber, Rav- KAYTT; Kashrus Administrator–Star-K, author, "The Intriguing World of Jewish Time," who will address the topic of understanding and appreciating the fascinating Jewish Calendar. To conclude the siyum, Rabbi Shea Hertz Ostreicher, Director, Avenues of the Sky-Torah Planetarium Institute will stage a captivating audio visual presentation as a windup of Maseches Rosh Hashanah.

The siyum will be available to watch by going to, or listen by calling 718-298-2077 ext 52.
Infrastructure Bill: Big Plus and Big Minus for Community Charities
After weeks of Capitol Hill uncertainty, Congress has passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which President Biden is expected to sign in the next week. Agudath Israel of America is pointing to a big plus and a big minus for nonprofits in the bill that emerged from the deliberations.

A welcome provision in the infrastructure bill relates to "Nonprofit Energy Efficiency," a pilot program that awards grants to nonprofits to make upgrades to their energy infrastructure, thereby enhancing efficiency and producing cost savings. The program is authorized at $50 million and will allow grants of up to $200,000. Synagogues, yeshivas and other Jewish community institutions are among the eligible recipients.

"Agudath Israel was pleased to voice its support for this legislation and we look forward to the potential benefits that will accrue to the community," commented Rabbi Abba Cohen, Agudath Israel's Vice President for Government Affairs and Washington Director. "We thank the bipartisan leadership of Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and John Hoeven (R-ND), and we applaud the Orthodox Union for the vital role it played in seeing the legislation through over the past decade".

On the other side of the infrastructure ledger is the bill's elimination of the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) for the fourth quarter of this year. The ERTC is a refundable payroll tax credit designed to provide a financial incentive for nonprofit and small business employers to keep employees on their payrolls and continue to deliver important services during the pandemic and in its immediate aftermath.

Agudath Israel made the ERTC a priority, holding a webinar on the subject and fielding many concerned calls from community charities. It worked closely with others in the nonprofit sector to lobby for a strengthening and expansion of the program. "The credit was a real lifeline for many nonprofits, including those in the Jewish community, allowing them to retain critical employees in the face of current economic challenges," Rabbi Cohen noted. "Cutting the program early, after employees have been brought back, can cause great harm to thousands of charities and jeopardize the services they provide."

Numerous issues remain on the "nonprofit agenda," including passing the Universal Charitable Deduction and safeguarding Donor Advised Funds. These, and other charitable issues, remain on Agudath Israel's Washington Office priority list for the coming months.
Lots of people have been calling and emailing with questions about Camp Agudah registration for this summer. We thought we'd share these answers with all of you...

Q: Can I have a camp application?

A: You can obtain an application by sending an email to It is an auto response system and you will get an application by return email.

Please complete the application and return to Please attach the application. (Do not take a picture of it as that cannot be processed.)

Q: Can I get an application for Camp Agudah Midwest?

A: Yes, registration for all Agudah Midwest Camps (Midwest Boys, Midwest Girls, Bnos Maarava, Midwest Day Camps, and MTM), opens November 15th for new and returning campers. Applications will be available on our website at at that time.
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