Friday, November 12, 2021

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 8 Kislev 5782/November 12, 2021

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 12:00 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 8 Kislev 5782/November 12, 2021
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
November 12, 2021 - 8 Kislev 5782
News from the Agudah:

  • We were fascinated to see that newly released testimony in an independent investigation of former New York Governor Cuomo has further vindicated the Agudah's lawsuit against the unjust closure mandates in New York. See below for more details and excerpts from the testimony.

  • Agudath Israel of Maryland, in conjunction with PCS, is offering an IT course in Baltimore starting soon. Please see below for information on the course and contact info to join.

  • The Daf Yomi Commission of Agudas Yisroel is excited to announce their upcoming siyum on Meseches Rosh Hashanah. See below for more details and how to join.

  • In other PCS news, there will be an open house this Monday for the upcoming business enrichment course. Please see below for details.

  • Bnos and Pirchei Newsletters: Download this week's Pirchei newsletters by clicking here for the Pirchei Pages, and here for the Pirchei Weekly. Download the Bnos newsletter for this Shabbos here.
Newly Released DOH Testimony Further Vindicates Agudah SCOTUS Lawsuit
New York Attorney General Letitia James released thousands of pages of transcripts yesterday from the independent investigation into the sexual harassment allegations against former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.
In addition to significant impropriety described by 10 women, one sworn testimonial details the politically motivated creation of "red zones" by the Governor last year. The speaker, identified in the heavily redacted transcript only as "DOH Official #2," was the New York Department of Health Medical Director of Epidemiology, a position she held since 2014.
Page 114
I think that they were looking for someone to be an expert witness on that case and some people, as I understood it, were refusing to go do these legal attestations or affidavits.
I think part of the challenge was the system of not having other experts willing to do it, but even if I had been available, I would not have done it. I didn't know how they determined XXXX and no one that I worked closely with knew how they determined XXXX, what the metrics for -- at that time how they determined it.
Q. When you say how they determined XXXX, who is they?
A. The Chamber.
Page 118
Q. Did you have an understanding what or who they feared retribution from?
A. The Chamber.
Page 130
Q. Are you aware of any involvement by the Executive Chamber after January, 2020 in setting internal policies at DOH?
A. Yes.
Q. What are you aware of other than what we have already talked about?
A. All the policies. I don't know how to be more specific.
Page 134
Q. Are you aware of any instructions from members of the Executive Chamber after 20 January, 2020 that went against the professional judgement of DOH employees?
A. The zones were very complicated. There were metrics that our staff would work on, but they would only be announced that people met the metrics if that came from the Chamber. Some areas met the metrics and would be called a zone and others met the metrics and would not be called a zone. Our staff who worked for hours and hours on these metrics and then nothing would be announced and it was very unclear as to why they would get very frustrated. And for me that was part of my not wanting to be involved in a lawsuit about the metrics without having clarity on how they were established. I didn't feel professionally that I could do that…
What emerges is a disturbing picture of an executive branch creating policies of arbitrarily shutting down certain communities and not others. This was one of the factors alleged in the lawsuit of Agudath Israel v. Cuomo, as explained here
As these new details emerge, the Agudah is once again thankful to the Almighty for allowing the truth to come to light, and for the Agudah to have ultimately prevailed in this landmark Supreme Court case. These new revelations reinforce the importance of staving off capricious government actions which, as detailed in the transcript, were rooted in executive whim and not scientific rigor.
Agudah of Maryland Announces its First PCS Course
Agudath Israel of Maryland is excited to announce that, in conjunctions with PCS, it is launching a Desktop and Network Support course in Baltimore, Maryland.  
"We are really excited to be able to bring in-person PCS classes to Baltimore," said Rabbi Ariel Sadwin, director of Agudath Israel of Maryland. "This is the first time we are bringing one of our courses outside of the New York and New Jersey area, and we look forward to hopefully continuing to expand in this way," added Rabbi Daniel Soloff, national director of PCS, a division of Agudas Yisroel of America. 
The in-person course will be given in Baltimore, from November 2021 to July 2022, and limited scholarships are available. For more information call 443-450-3748, email, or go to  
Siyum on Meseches Rosh Hashanah
This Shabbos, November 13th, Kislev 9, Daf Yomi learners across the globe will celebrate the conclusion of Maseches Rosh Hashanah and the beginning of Maseches Taanis.

On Sunday, November 14, Kislev 10, at 8:00 PM ET, the Daf Yomi Commission of Agudas Yisroel of America will bring together Lomdei HaDaf and their friends and families for a fascinating live broadcast of the Siyum on Rosh HaShanah. The siyum will be hosted by Bais Medrash Torah U'Tefilla- Bais Yaakov Yitzchok in Brooklyn New York, and will feature Rabbi Dovid Heber, Rav- KAYTT; Kashrus Administrator–Star-K, author, "The Intriguing World of Jewish Time," who will address the topic of understanding and appreciating the fascinating Jewish Calendar. To conclude the siyum, Rabbi Shea Hertz Ostreicher, Director, Avenues of the Sky-Torah Planetarium Institute will stage a captivating audio visual presentation as a windup of Maseches Rosh Hashanah.

The siyum will be available to watch by going to, or listen by calling 718-298-2077 ext 52.
PCS Business Enrichment Course Open House
Real business skills and knowledge
Impress your interviewer/ employer
Get a quality job / start your own business
PCS Business Enrichment Course is for:
·       Those who are looking to enter the workforce
·       Employees looking to increase their business knowledge and parnassah opportunities
Evening classes starting Monday, November 15
Partial listing of topics: Microsoft Office, sales, QuickBooks, presentation/ interviewing skills, marketing, negotiation, investments, real estate, accounting, e-commerce, health care, logistics, manufacturing…..
Scholarships available (partial)
Live Classes in Lakewood
Remote options for out-of-town students.
information or 732-905-9700 x 606

Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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