Monday, December 20, 2021

FW: Join NSN for Our Giving Tuesday Campaign Kickoff Live at Gotta Getta Bagel in Woodmere

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-------- Original message --------
From: Nachum Segal <>
Date: 12/20/21 3:39 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Join NSN for Our Giving Tuesday Campaign Kickoff Live at Gotta Getta Bagel in Woodmere

Starting NOW: An Ambitious $100,000 Campaign for JM in the AM
Although officially launching tomorrow with our live kickoff event, you can already make your donation at
For more than 38 years, JM in the AM has been the voice of the Jewish people. But even after 38 years, our work has only just begun. 
There are so many more Jewish souls to inspire. So many more minds to inform. So much more thought-leadership to offer. 
What you may not realize, however, is just how much this amazing global community relies on generous donors like you. People who care about bringing the Jewish world insightful, inspiring, and timely content.
People who want to encourage others to live lives committed to spiritual growth and the love of Israel.
Your donation will help us end the year in a strong position, making it possible to reach even more listeners in 2022.
Click here to donate and thank you!

Click here for our comprehensive NSN programming schedule.
Make sure to visit and support
our incredible NSN Sponsors:


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