Thursday, December 23, 2021

Fwd: Chesed in Kentucky; Shark Tank for the Jewish Community; Menschlichkeit

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Dec 23, 2021, 7:37 PM
Subject: Chesed in Kentucky; Shark Tank for the Jewish Community; Menschlichkeit
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A Few Minutes A Day for a Lifetime of Mishnah Knowledge
A Few Minutes A Day for a Lifetime of Mishnah Knowledge
All Mishnah

All Mishnah, a free mishnah app by the team that brought you All Daf and All Parsha, is now available for download! Features include a convenient tracker for Mishnah Yomi participants, as well as shiurim, learning aids and resources. A perfect companion for Mishnah Yomi which begins this Shabbat, December 25.

Download the App
After the Storm: Dispatch from Kentucky
After the Storm: Dispatch from Kentucky
Rabbi Simon Taylor

A report from Mayfield, KY, the town recently devastated by a deadly tornado that killed dozens. Yet out of the destruction there arose numerous stories of heroism and chesed. An eyewitness report from the OU's Rabbi Simon Taylor.

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PARSHAT SHEMOT December 24-25, 2021 / 25 Tevet 5781


HAFTARAH Isaiah 27:6-28:13, 29:22-23

Tell Congress: Bring Hadar Goldin and His Fellow Soldiers Back Home
Tell Congress: Bring Hadar Goldin and His Fellow Soldiers Back Home
Hadar Goldin Foundation

Tell Congress that any Gaza aid must be tied to the return of Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul for proper burial in Israel and to free Avera Mengistu and Hisham Al-Sayed from captivity.

Take Action Now
Watch: Stopping Omicron in Its Tracks
Watch: Stopping Omicron in Its Tracks
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

A new surge of COVID cases is affecting Jewish communities around the world. OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer explains the importance of helping the wellbeing of klal Yisrael and getting vaccinated or your booster shot today.

Watch Video
Celebrate Torat Imecha Nach Yomi
Celebrate Torat Imecha Nach Yomi
OU Women's Initiative

Join us on January 16 for the Torat Imecha Nach Yomi Siyum, featuring a special musical performance by Sorah Shaffren, acclaimed composer and singer. The celebration includes Nach Shabbat across the nation on Jan. 14-15 and the Siyum Israel on Jan. 24.

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Yachad's Giving Day Tops $2 Million
Yachad's Giving Day Tops $2 Million

Over 4,000 donors showed their support for the incredible efforts of Yachad.

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Think Shark Tank – With a Jewish Communal Spin
Think "Shark Tank" – With a Jewish Communal Spin
Impact Accelerator

Baltimore Jewish Life reports on how the OU Impact Accelerator is transforming Jewish communities.

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Xi Gong: Improving Mental and Physical Health
Xi Gong: Improving Mental and Physical Health
SPIRIT Initiative

Don't miss the third session focusing on this mind-body-spirit practice.

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Yachad Holds Its First Shabbaton Since the Pre-Covid Era
Yachad Holds Its First Shabbaton Since the Pre-Covid Era

225 people participated in the Shabbaton, which included individuals with disabilities and high school leaders from ten New York yeshiva high schools.

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It's All in the Family
It's All in the Family
Rabbi Shalom Rosner

Enjoy Rabbi Rosner's dvar Torah and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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Open Eyes and An Open Heart
Open Eyes and An Open Heart
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

To be a truly ethical person, one must invest in the effort of becoming familiar with the plight of others.

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Moshe, Moshe
Moshe, Moshe
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why did God repeat Moshe's name twice when calling him from the burning bush? How does this serve as a paradigm for all of Moshe's future prophecy?

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Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm zt"l

What does it mean to be a "mensch" in Judaism?

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What Is the Mitzvah of Shnayim Mikra V'echad Targum?
What Is the Mitzvah of "Shnayim Mikra V'echad Targum"?
Halacha Yomis

Given that the name of our parsha is also rashei teivot (an acrostic) for this mitzvah, what better time to get a better understanding of it?

Get the Answer
Reciting Nishmas Daily
Reciting Nishmas Daily
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

There's a popular custom to recite Nishmas for 40 days. Should one do so as part of shacharis?

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Torat Imecha Parsha: New Guest Speaker for Sefer Shemot
Torat Imecha Parsha: New Guest Speaker for Sefer Shemot
Mrs. Emma Katz

In Parshat Shemot we learn about the birth of Moshe Rabbeinu. Join us as we investigate to whom we can credit Moshe's greatness, his birthmother, Yocheved, or his adoptive-mother, Pharaoh's daughter?

Listen Now
On Not Obeying Immoral Orders
On Not Obeying Immoral Orders
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

Benjamin Franklin drew, as his design for the Great Seal of America, a picture of the Egyptians drowning in the Red Sea with the caption, "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God."

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Eleven OU Kosher-Certified Companies Recognized by Newsweek
Eleven OU Kosher-Certified Companies Recognized by Newsweek
Steven Genack

Learn about the enterprising programs on which recently recognized OU Kosher-certified companies are focusing.

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Featured Company: LivBar
Featured Company: LivBar
OU Kosher

LivBar is one of the first USDA-certified organic, seed-based bars that is allergen-friendly and hand-baked to perfection.

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Featured Products
Yerach Tov: Birkat HaChodesh in Jewish Law and Liturgy
Yerach Tov: Birkat HaChodesh in Jewish Law and Liturgy
OU Press

Few of our prayers arouse as much nostalgic appeal as Birkat HaChodesh, the joyful proclamation of the new month. Yet this familiar tefillah abounds with intriguing questions. Rabbi Elchanan Adler explores these questions in this engaging work.

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Unlocking the Torah Text – Shemot
Unlocking the Torah Text – Shemot
OU Press

Unlocking the Torah Text provides an in-depth journey into the Torah portion through a series of studies on each parsha. Deep philosophical issues and perplexing textual questions are carefully examined and discussed in clear and incisive fashion.

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Teach Coalition Positions
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OU Positions
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