Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Fwd: Join friends and family celebrating Siyum Nach with Torat Imecha Nach Yomi

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: OU Women's Initiative <ouwomen@ou.org>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2021, 11:04 AM
Subject: Join friends and family celebrating Siyum Nach with Torat Imecha Nach Yomi
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

Dear Torat Imecha Nach Yomi family, 

We are so thrilled to share the first Torat Imecha Nach Yomi siyum celebration details with you. Please join with friends and family to celebrate the culmination of two years of learning (742 Perakim!). We are excited to begin the next cycle together. I look forward to meeting you whether in person or virtually to mark this exceptional milestone. Click here for Siyum details.


Much continued Hatzlacha with your learning. 

Mazel Tov,

Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman 

Director, OU Women's Initiative

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11 Broadway, New York, NY 10004

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