Thursday, December 30, 2021

Fwd: Moshe v. Pharaoh; Exploring Evil; Tax Deadline Tomorrow

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Dec 30, 2021, 7:36 PM
Subject: Moshe v. Pharaoh; Exploring Evil; Tax Deadline Tomorrow
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Watch: Passion and Judaism – It Starts at Home
Watch: Passion and Judaism – It Starts at Home
Orthodox Union

Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer discusses four actionable methods to increase our passion for Judaism. From last week's Torah U'Mesorah Presidents Conference.

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You Can Still Make a Difference
You Can Still Make a Difference
Orthodox Union

As 2021 comes to a close, there is still time to make an impact – for yourself and others – by supporting the OU. Donate by December 31 so you don't miss out on your 2021 tax deduction. Current expanded tax benefits allow even taxpayers who take the standard deduction to deduct up to $300 in charitable donations. Please partner with us as the year closes to ensure that the OU can continue its vital work for the Jewish community around the world. We can't do it without you.

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PARSHAT VA'ERA December 31, 2021-January 1, 2022 / 28 Tevet 5782


HAFTARAH Ezekiel 28:25-29:21


THIS SHABBAT Mevarchim HaChodesh for the month of Shevat.


SPECIAL DAYS Rosh Chodesh Shevat is celebrated on Monday, January 3.


Around the OU
Do You Have the Winning Idea?
Do You Have the Winning Idea?
OU Women's Initiative

Reflect. Reimagine. Reconnect. The OU Women's Initiative will award ten grants of up to $3,600 to innovative, impactful synagogue and community programs that bring women back into Jewish communal spaces.

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Enable Torah to Thrive in Israel
Enable Torah to Thrive in Israel
OU Israel

Help the OU Israel Center and Torah Tidbits to continue providing the Torah content adored by so many.

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Notable News for Nach Newcomers, Novices and Neophytes
Notable News for Nach Newcomers, Novices and Neophytes
The Torah Blog

Nach Yomi starts again on January 20! Learn all about it and download your Nach Yomi calendar checklist!

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Watch: Rav Hershel Schachter on Tu B'Shevat and Aggadeta
Watch: Rav Hershel Schachter on Tu B'Shevat and Aggadeta
OU Israel

Join in-person at the OU Israel Center or watch via Zoom on Wednesday, January 5, at 12:30 PM EST/7:30 PM Israel time.

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Everything You Need to Know About Buying a Home in Israel
Everything You Need to Know About Buying a Home in Israel
SPIRIT Initiative

Interested in aliyah? Hear from a real estate expert to gain an understanding of the details involved in this lengthy process.

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Four or Five?
Four or Five?
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why do we drink only four cups at the Seder to correspond to four expressions of redemption when there are in fact five expressions of redemption?

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The Moshe/Pharaoh Relationship
The Moshe/Pharaoh Relationship
Mrs. Emma Katz

In our parsha, we see many interactions between Moshe and Pharaoh. Delve into the relationship between them that began as "grandpa" and ended as greatest enemies. How and why did this have to happen?

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Pharaoh's Free Will
Pharaoh's Free Will
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

What causes the change in Pharaoh's mindset and in God's response?

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Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Can we learn a valuable lesson about hope from what Rabbi Weinreb considers the saddest pasuk in the Torah?

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Am I Evil?
Am I Evil?
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

We're always told how the righteous suffer and the wicked prosper. I prosper, so I must be evil, right? Another real-life Q&A!

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Rabbi Judah Mischel

Enjoy this d'var Torah and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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Watch: Rosh Chodesh Shevat Lunch and Learn
Watch: Rosh Chodesh Shevat Lunch and Learn
Mrs. Rachel Burg

How does the month of Shevat teach us to plant and nurture resilience in ourselves and others?

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Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

The question is ancient. If God hardened Pharaoh's heart, then it was God who made Pharaoh refuse to let the Israelites go. How is this just?

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Featured Company: Bone Suckin' Sauce
Featured Company: Bone Suckin' Sauce
OU Kosher

The original Bone Suckin' Sauce was developed around 1987, while real estate developer Phil Ford was trying to copy his mother's recipe for a western North Carolina-style barbecue sauce.

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Featured Products
The Hidden Light: Biblical Paradigms for Leadership
The Hidden Light: Biblical Paradigms for Leadership
OU Press

Arranged according to the parshiyot of the Torah, The Hidden Light: Biblical Paradigms for Leadership is a fascinating exploration and distillation of the Torah's views on leadership.

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Chumash Mesoras HaRav – Sefer Shemos
Chumash Mesoras HaRav – Sefer Shemos
OU Press

Edited with great skill by Dr. Arnold Lustiger, this groundbreaking Chumash collects and adapts the Rav's writings and teachings into a published commentary on sefer Shemos that reflects his intellectual breadth and depth, his exegetical creativity and the timelessness of his insights.

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