Monday, December 20, 2021

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 16 Teves 5782/December 20, 2021

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From: Agudah <>
Date: Mon, Dec 20, 2021, 6:12 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 16 Teves 5782/December 20, 2021
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December 20, 2021 | 16 Teves, 5782
New Leadership in Illinois Prepares for Time of Growth
Click Above to View Agudah Update 2021 Video
Front row, l-r: Rabbi Yaakov Robinson, Dayan Shmuel Fuerst, Rabbi Shmuel Yehuda Levin, Rabbi Yitzchok Ehrman
Back row, l-r: Chaim Rajchenbach, Mordy Kaplan, Eli Webster, Abie Gutnicki, Avrum Weinfeld, Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, Tzvi Ray, Yosef Meystel, Michy Nudell, Yosef Knopf, Eli Davis
Rabbi Ari Strulowitz, Director of Operations of Agudath Israel of Illinois
Mr. Moshe Davis, Interim Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of Illinois
Agudath Israel of Illinois is excited to announce new leadership in both the executive administration and board of directors of its organization. Effective immediately, Mr. Moshe Davis will be assuming the position of Interim Executive Vice President of the Agudah of Illinois, and Rabbi Ari Strulowitz will be assuming the position of Director of Operations of the Agudah of Illinois.  

In addition, the board of directors is pleased to have added six new members: Mordy Kaplan, Abie Gutnicki, Michy Nudell, Chaim Rajchenbach, Tzvi Ray, and Eli Webster. These new appointees are in addition to the existing board and executive committee members Yossi Meystel, Rabbi Yosef Knopf, Eli Davis and Avrum Weinfeld.

Horav Shmuel Yehuda Levin said "We at Agudas Yisroel are very excited to look forward to the future, building on its glorious past." Horav Shmuel Fuerst added, "The community is growing, and with that the Agudah has more jobs to do to accomplish for the kehillah."  

"This is a new era for the Agudah of Illinois," said Rabbi Yaakov Robinson, Menahel of the Midwest Agudah Vaad Harabbanim. "We're going through a transitional period that will present us with new opportunities for growth and community engagement. I am very confident in the team that we have in place." 

Agudah Executive Committee Member Rabbi Yosef Knopf said, "There's no doubt that these two community leaders will be able to use their talents together to really bring Agudas Yisroel to new heights." 

Mr. Moshe Davis is well-known in the Chicago community as a person of action who has been deeply involved in the community's needs. "I look forward to working with the staff of Agudah of Illinois to meet the needs of our community and the many organizations that serve it, by expanding our efforts in advocacy and promoting Torah values," said Mr. Davis.

Rabbi Ari Strulowitz has been the Director of Camp Nageela Midwest since 2016, and he is very familiar with Agudah's operations. "Joining the administration of the Agudah is something I'm looking forward to," said Rabbi Strulowitz. "It is truly a professional and capable group. It will be a real pleasure to work with them and work together on behalf of the community." 

The new leadership for the Agudah of Illinois comes after the recent announcement of the appointment of Rabbi Yitzchok Ehrman, Agudah of Illinois' CEO, to assume the position of COO of Agudath Israel of America, the national umbrella group of Agudath Israel. "These individuals, Mr. Davis, Rabbi Strulowitz, and the new board members," said Rabbi Ehrman, "bring with them a wealth of experience and capability. The Agudah is in very capable hands under their leadership."
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