Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Fwd: Starting Mishna Yomi and Ending the Year

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, Dec 28, 2021, 11:06 AM
Subject: Starting Mishna Yomi and Ending the Year
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

December 28-January 3 • Tevet 24-Shevat 1

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

by Deena and Saul Kaszovitz in commemoration of the yahrtzeit of Deena's father, Avraham Yosef ben Yisroel Shalom

in loving memory of Josh Lipetz, Yehoshua Moshe ben Yehuda, whose yahrtzeit is on the 24th of Tevet

by Debbie Nossbaum in loving memory of her father, Nathan Werdiger, נתן בן שלמה אלימלך

by Rhea and Leon Landau in memory of Emanuel Landau

l'ilui nishmas Abraham Chaim ben Simcha Gluck

New This Week

Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

An Introduction to Learning Mishnayos

As Mishna Yomi begins the new cycle, it's worthwhile to learn why mishnayos are so important to study.

Listen Now
Rabbi Nosson Rich

Why Doesn't Anyone Say Tefilas Haderech?
When is one required to say tefilas haderech and what other details do you need to know?

Listen Now
Rabbi Shay Schachter

Labor Shortage & The Perfect Hire: Patronizing Jewish Businesses

Does halacha require giving a hiring and shopping preference to Jews?

Listen Now
Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What's the distinction between the books of Neviim and Ketuvim?

The first in a new series on the topic of the relative kedusha of different types of seforim and how that relates in halacha.

Listen Now
Rabbi Moshe Weinberger

Shnei Ohr - Two Lights - Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Ba'al HaTanya

Connecting to the Tzadik on the occasion of his yahrtzeit.

Listen Now
Rabbi Jeremy Wieder

Ashreinu Mah Tov Chalkeinu: Learning to Embrace our Identity

How do the laws of Chukas Hagoyim show us what we should be aspiring to be?

Listen Now
Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank

Emunah and Hishtadlus in the Thought of Rav Kook

How do we balance these seemingly two opposite Torah values?

Listen Now

Featured This Week

Looking Back at 2021 on YUTorah

We are proud to share our accomplishments over the past 12 months as we look ahead to what we have in store coming up.

Take a Look

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