Tuesday, January 25, 2022

FW: cRc Beth Din Shabbos in Skokie - Parashat Mishpatim

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From: cRc <achdusbulletin@thechicagocenter.org>
Date: 1/25/22 12:00 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: mates57564@aol.com
Subject: cRc Beth Din Shabbos in Skokie - Parashat Mishpatim

cRc Beth Din

Shabbos in Skokie

Parashat Mishpatim

January 28 – 29

Rabbi Yona Reiss, Av Beth Din


Rabbi Aaron Kraft, Dayan Kavua


A community-wide Oneg at 8:00 pm

Personal Reflections from Life in the Beth Din

At the home of Dr. Yigal and Mrs. Donna Yahav (8630 Keeler Avenue)

Congregation Or Torah

Prohibition to Litigate in Secular Court: When and Why

Drasha by Rabbi Reiss at the 8:30 am Shacharit

Is Separation Between Religion and State a Jewish Concept?

Drasha by Rabbi Reiss at the 9:00 am Shacharit

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Can I Choose a Beth Din?

Shiur by Rabbi Kraft after the 8:30 am Shtiebel Minyan

Jewish Justice: Not Just for a Beth Din

Drasha by Rabbi Kraft at the 9:00 am Shacharit

Lubavitch Chabad of Skokie

The Price of Saving Lives in Halacha: The Case of Self-Driving Cars

Afternoon Shiur in Seudat Shlishit by Rabbi Reiss after Mincha

Mincha: 4:20

Congregation BHH Kesser Maariv AL

Halakhic Estate Planning: How a Beth Din Can Help

Afternoon Shiur by Rabbi Kraft after Mincha

Mincha: 4:35

For more information, please visit https://crcbethdin.org/Skokie-Shabbos or email office@crcweb.org.

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