Wednesday, January 5, 2022

FW: a friendly reminder....

Sent from my Galaxy

Today is the day for free to... 
-------- Original message --------
From: Yad L'Achim <>
Date: 1/5/22 12:58 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Herschel​, a friendly reminder....

 I hope you are doing well. We simply didn't want you to miss the free opportunity to submit names for the special tefillah (prayer) taking place at the hilula (yahrtzeit) of the holy

BABA SALI, RAV YISRAEL ABUCHATZEIRA זצ"ל, this Thursday (ד' שבט) at his kever
(CLICK HERE or visit to submit your names for FREE
or call 1-866-923-5224)

(Baba Sali zt"l gave his bracha (blessing) to all Yad L'Achim supporters - that's you! See letter below.)

VIDEO: The True Story behind the Baba Sali Wheelchair Story

Baba Sali's hilula is coming up

Feel free to share this opportunity with friends and family.
Share via WhatsApp


Talmidei chachamim, including grandsons of Baba Sali will daven at his kever on the day of his yahrtzeit for you and your loved ones for


Please submit unlimited names for tefillah for free by visiting

The Baba Sali zt"l was very close to Yad L'Achim and encouraged us in our work every step of the way. Shortly before his passing, he penned a letter of great inspiration, encouraging Klal Yisrael to support Yad L'Achim. He included a bracha (blessing) to all who support Yad L'Achim:

"הנה בא לפני גודל המעשים של ארגון יד לאחים. . וה' הטוב יביא ברכת טוב על כל המחזיקים ידם"

"... and Hashem, who is kind, will bring good blessings to all who support their (Yad L'Achim's) hand"

join by CLICKING HERE or on the image below, visit
or call us at 1-866-923-5224

Click here to join the tefillah at Baba Sali's hilula


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