Thursday, January 20, 2022

FW: A Guide to the Ten Commandments

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From: YUTorah <>
Date: 1/20/22 6:02 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: A Guide to the Ten Commandments

New! YUTorah Parsha Roundup for Yitro

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

Parshat Yitro 5782

Download the newest edition of the YUTorah in Print for Yitro

with 12 pages of recently uploaded Torah articles to print out for your Shabbat table.

Learn about the Parsha

Topics on Yitro
The Mitzvah to Believe

What is the purpose of the first of the Ten Commandments?

Browse the Shiurim
The Prohibition to Covet

How can the Torah expect us to suppress a seemingly natural and harmless emotion of jealousy?

Browse the Shiurim
Zachor V'Shamor

What are the laws of properly honoring and keeping the Shabbat as expressed in this week's parsha?

Browse the Shiurim
The Laws of Kibud Av V'Eim

Is it Bein Adam L'Makom? Bein Adam L'Chaveiro? Or a little of both? Why and how are we to provide proper respect for our parents, and perhaps others?

Browse the Shiurim

New This Week

Recent Shiurim on Yitro
Rabbi Elchanan Adler: Chizzuk for Limud HaTorah
Rabbi Eitan Bendavid: When Humor is the Only Option
Rabbi Azarya Berzon: Who can sanctify the Great Name?
Rabbi Yisroel Bloom: Taking Action
Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander: God, Holiness, and the Need for Human Initiative
Rabbi Chaim Brovender: Happy Yitro
Rabbi Aryeh Cohen: As The Trees Rejuvenate So Does Our Connection To Torah
Rabbi Tanchum Cohen: Kiddush as a Model for Structured, Articulated Growth
Rabbi Avishai David: The Semantic and Philosophic Distinction Between שוא and שקר
Rabbi Yehonatan Drory: What it Means to be an Eved Hashem
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom: What Inspired Yitro?
Rabbi Yonatan Shai Freedman: Torah Always On Your Mind
Rabbi Daniel Fridman: מן הבוקר עד הערב
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg: A Line Out the Tent
Morah Stacey Goldman: Women and Talmud Torah
Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith: Set a Boundary Around the Mountain
Rabbi Meir Goldwicht: למה התורה ניתנה על הר סיני ולא על הר המוריה
Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb: The Interplay Between Torah and Achdus
Rabbi Josh Grajower: Defining Jealousy & Lo Sachmod
Rabbi Daniel Hartstein: