Wednesday, January 12, 2022

FW: What's New At The Agudah?

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-------- Original message --------
From: Naftali Miller <>
Date: 1/12/22 3:05 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: What's New At The Agudah?

Dear Chaver, 
The Agudah never stops!

I want to share with you some amazing updates - just from the past two weeks alone!

In New Jersey, we saw a historic bill pass, allowing Hatzolah to save more lives faster. Also, a groundbreaking education assistance grant was introduced in Lakewood offering relief to families financially impacted by Covid-19. 

This past Sunday, Yahalom held an inaugural event in Brooklyn with over 60 mothers of children with special needs in attendance. 

Last week, the Blooming Grove community held a beautiful reception in appreciation of the Agudah's advocacy on their behalf on getting a bill - aimed at preventing the growth of their community - vetoed.

Lastly, Reform and Conservative groups in Eretz Yisroel are pushing for the Kotel Compromise which would divide the Kosel into a "traditional" plaza and an "egalitarian" plaza for mixed prayer. Am Echad, an affiliate of the Agudah, launched a bold campaign telling Prime Minister Bennett "No! We do NOT want a divided Kosel." Click here to sign the petition.

Looking forward to sharing more amazing news!


P.S. In case you missed it - we had an amazing, action packed Yeshiva Summit! Watch the Highlights Video below! 
Rabbi Naftali M. Miller
National Director of Development
Agudath Israel of America
Recent News &
Historic New Jersey Bill Helps Hatzalah Save Lives
A groundbreaking bill passed on Monday changes the guidelines under which New Jersey Hatzolah operates. Until now, paramedics were required to wait for a second paramedic before starting Advanced Life Saving treatment (ALS), sometimes delaying urgently needed intervention by several minutes. This new bill allows paramedics to begin ALS immediately, before backup arrives.

Groundbreaking New Tuition Relief Program In Lakewood
Yesterday, Agudah's New Jersey Office, in partnership with Lakewood Township, introduced a first-of-its-kind Educational Assistance Program (EAP) offering grants for educational costs to Lakewood families who were financially impacted by Covid-19. The program awards a minimum of $2,500 per family.

Yahalom Brooklyn Event
This Sunday, Yahalom NY held an amazing inaugural event in Brooklyn hosted by Gavriel and Vardi Jeidell. More than 60 mothers of children with special needs gathered to hear divrei chizuk from Rabbi Shlomo Farhi and presentations from Mrs Ellen Wolfson, Mrs Leah Steinberg, and Miss Tova Wacholder about the services provided by Yahalom NY and Project LEARN. 

Blooming Grove Community Thanks Agudas Yisroel
This past Tuesday, Blooming Grove hosted an event in appreciation of the Agudah for their advocacy on their community's behalf. Thanks to Agudah's efforts, Governor Hochul vetoed a bill intended to stem the growth of the local Chasidish community. The event began with Agudah representatives and Blooming Grove community leaders visitng two local yeshivos before attending a reception where they publicly expressed their appreciation. 

One Kosel
Am Echad Campaign
Eretz Yisroel is at war. Reform and Conservative groups are after our standards of kashrus, geirus, chinuch, and now, the Kosel. They are pushing for the Kotel Compromise which would divide the Kosel into two plazas: the "traditional Kotel plaza" (as we know it) and a egalitarian plaza for mixed prayer. Tell Prime Minister Bennett NO! We do NOT want a divided Kosel.

Yeshiva Summit Highlights
We had an amazing, action packed Yeshiva Summit! We had tremendous participation with representatives from over 145 NYS schools and 42 vendors.

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