Friday, January 21, 2022

Fwd: Permission to Heal

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From: Ki Heim Chayeinu <>
Date: Fri, Jan 21, 2022, 9:09 AM
Subject: Permission to Heal
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Permission to Heal
Rabbi Eli Mansour
E20, Permission to Heal

Everyone is talking about vaccines, their side effects and what else can be done to fight Coronavirus....In this week's episode, Rabbi Eli Mansour quotes some medical advice from the Tiferet Shlomo: "Shemirat Shabbat is a refuah". Wondering how that can be? Rabbi Mansour gives us a full explanation, digging deep into the secrets of the creation of the universe, carefully calculating gematrios, and illustrating ideas as to how to implement this concept into our shemiras Shabbos.
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles
E1, Anticipating and Remembering Shabbos

You "can set the table," "wash your dishes," and "buy groceries." Or, you can "prepare for Shabbos." When we approach preparations with a Shabbos mindset — "Likras Shabbos lechu veneilcha" — then Shabbos is the Mekor habrachah. How? Rebbetzin Shira Smiles shares the simple things you can say or do to bring the special Shabbos brachah into your week.
The Music of The Siyum:
Holocaust Tribute Medley
When We All Danced
Together (ft. Baruch Levine, Shloime Taussig...)
Ben Yomo:
BBQ Grills
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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