Thursday, January 20, 2022

Fwd: Your Weekly Devar Torah Has Arrived!

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From: All Parsha <>
Date: Thu, Jan 20, 2022, 4:06 PM
Subject: Your Weekly Devar Torah Has Arrived!
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Yisro 5782

Yisro 5782


Duration: 8:22


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Yisro 5782

Yisro 5782


Duration: 15:02


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Debuting Motzei Shabbos!

Debuting Motzei Shabbos!
Yitro 5782 - The Commandments Heard Directly From Hashem

Yitro 5782 - The Commandments Heard Directly From Hashem


Duration: 16:22


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PRINT: Naaseh and Naaseh Ve'Nishma

PRINT: Naaseh and Naaseh Ve'Nishma


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Yisro 5782: The Power of How You See Yourself

Yisro 5782: The Power of How You See Yourself


Duration: 6:30


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Yisro 5782

Yisro 5782


Duration: 27:33


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Yisro 5782: An Altar of Uncut Stones

Yisro 5782: An Altar of Uncut Stones


Duration: 12:00


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