Thursday, February 3, 2022

Fwd: Celebrating the Joy of Each Step, Large and Small

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dr. Ari Berman, President, Yeshiva University <>
Date: Thu, Feb 3, 2022, 7:32 PM
Subject: Celebrating the Joy of Each Step, Large and Small
To: <>

Yeshiva University

Office of the President

Dear Friends,


Our Spring semester is underway and our campuses are bustling with activity. The opening of a new semester is always a time of aspiration. Students ready to continue their journey of self-discovery; sage rabbis and faculty eager to impart their insights and wisdom.  


For me, this experience is not only inspirational but transcendent. As I watch the students flow back onto campus, I see the flow of history. Generations prior who sacrificed to get us to this moment and generations future who will be products of this very moment. Deeply rooted and forward-focused, we at Yeshiva University envision ourselves as a continuation of a great tradition that began at Sinai 3,000 years ago and ends at ultimate redemption for all of humanity.


This week marked the beginning of the Hebrew month of Adar. "When the month of Adar arrives," the Talmud writes, "our joy increases." Historically, the month of Adar is a time when the Jewish people are not celebrating ultimate victories like the one found in Passover but battles won like the story of Purim. And the Talmudic lesson then is that, along the way of our greater journey, it is important to celebrate each achievement.


This past week was particularly joyful as Yeshiva University continued to take another important milestone step in our collective institutional growth. We announced that Jack Belz and his illustrious family have signed a $20 million gift agreement to launch a comprehensive renovation of the cornerstone academic building on Wilf Campus in Washington Heights. In recognition of this transformative gift, the building, currently known as Furst Hall, will be renamed the Belz Building. With the full support of the Furst family and the Sol and Hilda Furst Foundation, a permanent memorial to Sol and Hilda Furst will be established within the lobby of the Belz Building.   

Click here to learn more about the Belz family's generous contribution. 

The generous commitment of the Belz family will serve as the lead gift to spearhead the comprehensive update of the building to renovate all classrooms and administrative spaces as well as modernize and renovate the interior and exterior of the building. Within this gift, the Belz family has included much of Jack and Marilyn z"l Belz's lifetime collection of Judaica and artwork.  These items will deeply enhance the educational experience of the student body and will be open to the public on permanent display as the Belz Collections and Galleries.


This is a major step forward in our University's recently launched campaign—Rise Up: The Campaign for 613—an ambitious, comprehensive campaign that will fund scholarships, facilities and faculty to help move Yeshiva University into its next great era.


Like the historical celebration of Adar, each step in our journey is filled with joy as we move closer towards our collective destination. And it is only together, with each of you as our partners, that we can best fulfill our mission of educating the leaders of tomorrow with the will and wherewithal to transform the Jewish community and our broader society for the better.



Wishing you a joyful Adar,

Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman

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Office of the President, Yeshiva University
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New York, NY 10033

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