Thursday, March 24, 2022

FW: [-aneinu] TODAY - Yarzeit of R Elimelech of Lizhensk- 21 ADAR -the Noam Elimelech

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Date: 3/24/22 10:43 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] TODAY - Yarzeit of R Elimelech of Lizhensk- 21 ADAR -the Noam Elimelech

TODAY - Yarzeit of R Elimelech of Lizhensk- 21 ADAR -the Noam Elimelech

(excerpted from Chabad website:
Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk (1717-1787)  and his brother, Rebbe Zusha of Anipoli, were devoted students of the Maggid of Mezrich, who led the Chassidic movement after the passing of the Baal Shem Tov.
Reverently referred to as "the Rebbe, Reb Elimelech," and a spiritual guide to many thousands, he was a "rebbe of rebbes." Among his students were some of the most influential leaders of the next generation: Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak, the Chozeh ("seer") of Lublin; Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel, the Ohev Yisrael ("lover of Jews") of Apta; Rebbe Yisrael Hopsztajn, the Maggid ("preacher") of Koznitz; and Rebbe Mendel of Riminov. Each of these students had many of their own students who also became rebbes, and in this manner, his approach and teachings spread across Poland and beyond.
Reb Elimelech's teachings are laid out in his book, Noam Elimelech, a classic of Chassidic thought, highlighting his emphasis on the Rebbe and his role in shepherding his flock and interceding on their behalf.

Born in the merit of kindness, Reb Elimelech's teachings emphasize the mitzvah to love one's fellow.
A "Adaraba" prayer he composed includes the line, "Put into our hearts that everyone should see the qualities of their fellows, and not their faults."
Rebbe Elimelech's student, Reb Zecharyah Mendel of Shedisnshov, described the love that existed among his students, which is certainly due to Rebbe Elimelech's influence:
There is a lot of love between them. The love is greater than the love a father has for his son or the love a husband has for his wife. They are completely one; they practically share the same wallet. They love their friends' children as their own, and one almost isn't able to discern who are the parents…2
Rebbe Elimelech's son wrote, "My father would constantly bless Jews, and he was moser nefesh for them all the time…"
His ahavat Yisrael was a focal point in his life; deeds of kindness and praying for others was how he served G‑d.
To this day, thousands visit his gravesite in Lizhensk, Poland, especially on his yahrtzeit, Adar 21.
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