Thursday, March 24, 2022

FW: Korbanot and Kashrut

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From: YUTorah <>
Date: 3/24/22 7:01 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Korbanot and Kashrut

New! YUTorah Parsha Roundup: Shemini

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

Parshat Shemini 5782

Download the newest edition of the YUTorah in Print for Parshat Shemini

with 12 pages of recently uploaded Torah articles to print out for your Shabbat table.

Learn about the Parsha

Topics from the Parsha
The Laws of Kashrut

Get an appreciation for both the laws of what's kosher and what's not as well as the deeper meanings and lessons to be learned from them.

Browse the Shiurim
Shemini and Parah

It's not often the two coincide but there's so much to be learned from each other when they do.

Browse the Shiurim

New This Week

Recent Shiurim on Shemini
Rabbi Assaf Bednarsh: What Shall We Do?
Rabbi Eli Belizon: Ein Kateigor Na'aseh Saneigor
Rabbi Etan Moshe Berman: Don't get a GOAT on your Forehead
Rabbi Yisroel Bloom: Becoming a Walking Mishkan
Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander: Sacrificing Our Spirituality For The Growth of Others
Rabbi Chaim Brovender: Vayidom Aharon
Rabbi Joel Finkelstein: Dual Purpose Temple
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg: Shame, Not Shameless
Rabbi Yosef Goldin: Allowing Our Kids to Cry
Morah Stacey Goldman: In the merit of the Imahot
Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith: The Tefilla of Moshe & Aharon
Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb: Learning How To Move On from Past Mistakes
Rabbi Josh Grajower: A Torah Perspective on Animal Rights
Rabbi Ari Kahn: The Devil in the Details
Rabbi Shaya Katz: Nadav & Avihu's Cognitive Dissonance And The Lifelong Urge To Avoid
Rabbi Yoni Levin: Tuma and Tahara - The Essence of a Jew
Rabbi Yoni Mandelstam: Must One Always Wash Romaine Lettuce-Marror?
Professor Nechama Price​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Unsolved Mysteries in Tanach: A Case Study, The Death of Nadav and Avihu
Rabbi Isaac Rice​​​​​​​: The Torah Should Clarify Our Doubts
Rabbi Shay Schachter: How Can Vinegar Possibly Be Kosher?
Mrs. Shira Smiles: Unpretentiousness & Understanding
Rabbi Yehuda Turetsky: Why is Everyone "Pure" on Yom Tov?
Rabbi Moshe Walter: The Ominous Subplot Hidden Behind the Joyous Day of The Inauguration of The Mishkan
Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg​​​​​​​: Fast or Slow? Setting the Proper Pace of Spiritual Growth
Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank: The Death of Nadav and Avihu
Rabbi Jonthan Ziring: Elisheva's Reaction to the Death of Her Sons, Nadav and Avihu
Recent Articles on Shemini
Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald: With the L-rd as Our Partner
Rabbi Steven Gotlib: We Didn't Start the (Strange) Fire
Mrs. Michal Horowitz: Living Holy, Living Higher
Rabbi Judah Kerbel: A Reticent Courage
Rabbi Norman Lamm: Antiseptic Religion
Rabbi Eliyahu Safran: To Hear Another, To See Another, To Validate Another
Rabbi Moshe Taragin: A Brave New Kosher World
Rabbi Simon Wolf: Speaking Silently
Parsha Resources
Leining for Shemini with Rabbi Jeremy Wieder
YUTorah Parsha in Print for Shemini


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