Thursday, March 24, 2022

Fwd: Maos Chitim 2022 / 5782

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From: Moishe Bane and Rabbi Moshe Hauer <>
Date: Thu, Mar 24, 2022, 10:29 AM
Subject: Maos Chitim 2022 / 5782
To: <>

Your help makes all the difference

Maos Chitim 2022 / 5782

Dear OU Supporter, 

Pesach is approaching and the number of individuals and families in need within our community is high.

Even in normal times, those struggling year-round to pay the rent or mortgage, costly tuition fees, and endless bills find Passover to be simply unaffordable. How much more so this Pesach, with the increased financial stress resulting from spiraling inflation and the residual impact of the pandemic.

As always, local needs must take priority and we therefore urge you to prioritize the needy in your own community - עניי עירך – through your rabbi's Maos Chitim fund and your local Chessed organizations.  
In addition, we encourage you to participate in the Orthodox Union's Maos Chitim campaign. Through your generous partnership, this annual campaign has made a real difference in the lives of many. The goal of our campaign is to direct funds raised to underserved populations, with a specific focus on supporting communal Chessed organizations around the country with insufficient local support and to provide additional support via local partners to single parents experiencing financial stress.

You may contribute to the OU's Maos Chitim campaign by clicking here
As always, every dollar we receive in this campaign will go to the needy, with any overhead costs absorbed by the OU.  

Klal Yisrael's generosity is outstanding. As we confront the mounting needs resulting from the crisis in Ukraine, our community must not be distracted from local needs. We hope and pray that our generosity will stimulate Hashem's continued blessing to our community, allowing us to care for each other and for all in need.

Moishe Bane

Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Executive Vice President



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