Thursday, April 7, 2022

FW: We need Help for R' Hurwitz for Pesach. You helped in the past!

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-------- Original message --------
From: Hurwitz Family <>
Date: 4/7/22 2:56 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chana Chroman <>
Subject: We need Help for R' Hurwitz for Pesach. You helped in the past!

Please help us with this vital trip for the Hurwitz family

Dear Friend,

Thank you very much for your generous help in the past for this campaign.

We are reaching out again as we are approaching Erev Pesach and Misaskim LA is scrambling to help get Reb Yitzi Hurwitz and his family to Cabo San Lucas for Pesach.

As you know Rabbi Hurwitz has ALS yet wherever he goes his smile lightens up any room. 
Getting Reb Yitzi to the program which aside from a desperately needed vacation, is a big part of the family's financial assistance for the year. In order for us to accommodate this trip it requires an ambulance at each end of each leg and private medical air transport to facilitate his needs. 
Please help us with this vital trip for the Hurwitz family 
Chag sameach and may this Zchus bring you much success, happiness, and health.

Please donate by clicking here

You may also donate by phone by calling this number
(518)-323-0376 Please reference Campaign ID: 8283

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