Monday, April 11, 2022

Fwd: 120 years

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Rabbi Meir Shimon Moscowitz <>
Date: Mon, Apr 11, 2022, 10:40 AM
Subject: 120 years
To: <>

Dear Herschel,

In the days leading up to the 120th anniversary of the Rebbe's birth (Tuesday, 11 Nissan - April 12, 2022), communities around the world are rededicating themselves to the Rebbe's teachings and vision of a kinder, more perfect world.

The President of the United States, governors of all 50 states, and countless city and local leaders will proclaim 11 Nissan to be "Education and Sharing Day," bringing to the forefront the importance of moral education, a cause championed by the Rebbe, who taught that education must also emphasize building of character and moral and ethical values. 

To mark this milestone, people around the world are heeding the Rebbe's call to increase in acts of goodness and kindness, and Chabad centers across the globe have launched sweeping initiatives to make the light of Judaism and Jewish life more accessible than ever before.

One such special campaign is One Mitzvah, with the goal of sparking a global movement of millions of mitzvot aimed at bringing more light to the world. 

We hope you join us in celebrating. Here are some "birthday gifts" with which you can honor this day:

  • Share Shmurah Matzah – the Bread of Faith and Healing: Share some handmade shmurah matzah with a friend or colleague. Matzah is referred to as the "Bread of Faith" and the "Bread of Healing", and with faith, hope and healing needed more than ever, Jewish people around the world are answering the Rebbe's call to ensure every Jew has access to this Passover mitzvah staple.

  • Fill an Extra Chair at Your Seder: Echoing a similar call by the Rebbe in the 1970s, Ukraine's Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis have issued a call to fill an extra chair with another Seder guest. Bring to your Seder another Jew who may otherwise not attend for those in Ukraine who will not be able to attend a Seder.  

  • Boost Moral Education: On Education and Sharing Day, communities around the world will follow the Rebbe's call to focus on moral and ethical education. Some ways this can be done include promoting a Moment of Silence and the ARK Project.

You can choose any other mitzvah, too! We invite you to list your mitzvah pledge on the new special "One Mitzvah" campaign page, by clicking here.

With blessings for a joyous, kosher, and deeply meaningful Passover,

Rabbi Meir Moscowitz

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