Monday, April 11, 2022

Fwd: JM in the AM Pesach Products Program with the OU and J Drugs on TUES JM. Tune in!

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From: Nachum Segal <>
Date: Mon, Apr 11, 2022, 11:49 AM
Subject: JM in the AM Pesach Products Program with the OU and J Drugs on TUES JM. Tune in!
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NSN / JM in the AM Weekly Newsletter                                                  
April 11, 2022



For nearly 40 years, Nachum Segal has been the signature host of the Jewish Moments in the Morning (JM in the AM) radio program and of the Nachum Segal Network (NSN). An unapologetic friend to Israel and the Jews of the Diaspora across the world, Nachum uses his network to not only bridge the geographic and cultural gaps of the global Jewish community but also to serve as a center for charity and unity.

Nachum Segal's most impactful work has come through supporting his fellow Jews in times of pain and the direct action he takes to spread a message of unity and support.

Tragically, it is Nachum and his network that now need your help. A fire that ravaged through his studio this weekend has destroyed everything. Thankfully no one was hurt, but the damages and the loss of equipment and irreplaceable memorabilia is still heart-breaking. As someone that has always been there for Jewish communities in need around the world, the Nachum Segal Network is NOW in need of your help.

Please show Nachum your support by ensuring that the Nachum Segal Network and its great programming can continue. All donations are tax-deductible.


Today on JM in the AM:
  • Nachum welcomed David G. Greenfield, CEO and Executive Director of Met Council, to this morning's program to discuss their providing food and basic necessities for thousands of our community members this Pesach. Click here
  • Click here for the full show

Tomorrow on JM in the AM:
  • Yeshiva League Sports with Elliot Weiselberg. (7:20 a.m. ET)
  • Annual JM in the AM Pesach Products Program featuring representatives from the OU and J Drugs. (7:35 a.m. ET)
CLICK HERE to listen to Dr. Leeor Gottlieb explain the Shirei Maalot psalms in memory of Meir Weingarten, ob"m.
Click the link below to sign-up to learn chapters of TaNach in the merit of our beloved Meir Weingarten, ob"m, Meir Nachum ben David:
  • Nachum conducted the Weekly Update with Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations: Click here
  • Nachum interviewed Ariella Steinreich, Senior Vice President of Steinreich Communications, about the first communal matzah baking for the Jewish communities in the Gulf countries: Click here
  • Nachum welcomed NCSY's Rabbi Aryeh Wielgus to JM in the AM to preview this year's Chol Hamoed at Six Flags' Great Adventure with NCSY: Click here
  • Nachum hosted David Sable to discuss chesed and to encourage the listeners to get involved in NSN's It Takes 2 chesed campaign: Click here
  • Nachum featured the It Takes 2 chesed campaign that is going on now with Steve Adelsberg and Charlie Harary: Click here for Nachum and Steve | Click here for Nachum and Charlie 
  • Check out all of our great NSN program archives HERE.
  • Do you have a friend who would love JM in the AM and NSN? Forward them this newsletter and remind them how easy it is to listen (NSNApp,, 605.562.4400). 

This Week on NSN:
  • On this week's JM Sunday, Mattes Weingast presented great Jewish music, the latest news from Israel and Morning Chizuk with Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser.
  • Elliot Weiselberg presents the Yeshiva League Sports Update every Tuesday morning on JM in the AM. Tune in for the latest news concerning the yeshiva leagues. (7:20 a.m. ET)
  • Tune in tomorrow morning for the Annual JM in the AM Pesach Products Program featuring representatives from the OU and J Drugs. (7:35 a.m. ET)
  • Nachum welcomes Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser to Friday's Erev Pesach Program for the annual Siyum Taanit Bechorim.  
  • Do you have a friend who would love JM in the AM and NSN? Forward them this newsletter and remind them how easy it is to listen (NSNApp,, 605.562.4400).    
NSN Kosher Halftime Show 2022 starring Rav Shlomo Katz שלמה כ"ץ is available for viewing. Click HERE or the image below to enjoy right now.
Thank you to our presenting sponsor The Rothenberg Law Firm LLP.
Thank you to our commercial sponsors Shiloh Winery and Kosherdotcom.
#onlyonNSN #KHS2022
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