Thursday, April 7, 2022

Fwd: Robots in Action; The Power of Shame; Becoming a Better Listener

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Apr 7, 2022, 9:06 PM
Subject: Robots in Action; The Power of Shame; Becoming a Better Listener
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Maos Chitim 2022/5782—Help Those in Need Today
Maos Chitim 2022/5782—Help Those in Need Today
Orthodox Union

Pesach is approaching and the number of individuals and families in need within our community is high. Your donation will help provide struggling families with the kind of enjoyable chag once unimaginable.

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Robots in Action!
Robots in Action!
Teach Coalition

On Tuesday, over 500 Jewish day school and yeshiva students from NY, NJ, FL, MD and CT competed at the CIJE and Teach Coalition 2022 Robotics Competition.

Watch Now

PARSHAT METZORA April 8-9, 2022 / 8 Nisan 5782


HAFTARAH Malachi 3:4-24


THIS SHABBAT Shabbat Hagadol


SPECIAL DAYS Bedikat Chametz is performed on Thursday night, April 14.

Around the OU
Op-Ed: Minister Kahana, We Can't Support Your Reform
Op-Ed: Minister Kahana, We Can't Support Your Reform
The Times of Israel

We are concerned that Minister Kahana's proposed reforms of the process of conversion will not solve existing difficulties and will instead create another, equally severe set of problems.

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Can I Hear You Now?
Can I Hear You Now?
Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph

According to Robin Abrahams and Boris Groysberg, authors of an article entitled, "How to Become a Better Listener," "it's never been more important—or more difficult—for leaders to be good listeners."

Read in Jewish Action
Has Your Shul Joined the Effort?
Has Your Shul Joined the Effort?
Orthodox Union

Over 100 shuls have united to raise additional funds that will help sustain those affected by the war in Ukraine. See if your shul is a part of it or find out how they can join.

Has Your Shul Joined Yet?
OU Applauds US Senate's Passage of the Pray Safe Act
OU Applauds US Senate's Passage of the "Pray Safe Act"
OU Advocacy

The OU applauds the US Senate's passage of the bipartisan "Pray Safe Act" to establish a clearinghouse on safety and security for synagogues and other faith-based organizations.

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Bolder and Brighter Flavors of Pesach
Bolder and Brighter Flavors of Pesach
Naomi Ross

"When I started making Pesach in my own home, I was determined to brighten up the colors and flavors to enhance the menu and our feeling of freedom."

Read in Jewish Action
Rabbi Moshe Elefant on Talkline With Zev Brenner
Rabbi Moshe Elefant on Talkline With Zev Brenner
OU Kosher

Rabbi Elefant is appearing nightly on Talkline With Zev Brenner, answering Pesach questions as he has done for over 12 years.

More Information
Download the OU Guide to Passover
Download the OU Guide to Passover
OU Kosher

Enjoy an interview with Rav Hershel Schachter shlit"a, product lists and more.

Download the Guide
Haggadah Round Table
Haggadah Round Table
Women's Initiative

Join us for a Haggadah Round Table with Ora Lee Kanner, Danielle Bloom and Stacey Nechama Goldman on April 11.

Register Now
Aliyah: The Uphill Marathon
Aliyah: The Uphill Marathon
Gavriel Novick

"While I've run in the Jerusalem Marathon many times, this year's run was especially meaningful for me. This was the first year I ran with Team NCSY, supporting NCSY Israel in helping teen olim settle and integrate in Israel."

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Something to Say at the Seder⁠—Live!
Something to Say at the Seder⁠—Live!
The Torah Blog

Join Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt for his acclaimed annual pre-Pesach shiur this Sunday night, live via Zoom! Full details on The Torah Blog.

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The Parallels of Purification
The Parallels of Purification
Rabbi Menachem Genack

How should we understand the parallels between the purification of the metzora and the Yom Kippur service?

Read in Hebrew
Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series—Metzora
Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series—Metzora
Mrs. Rachel Baum

Did you know lashon hara is only one of seven reasons one could be afflicted with tzara'as?

Listen Now
Telling the Story of Our Sustained Happiness
Telling the Story of Our Sustained Happiness
Dr. Erica Brown

The stories we tell always hold an opportunity for us to shape ourselves, depending on the narrative we choose.

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Make a Siyum: Yerushalmi Makkos
Make a Siyum: Yerushalmi Makkos
OU Torah

Do you need a siyum for erev Pesach? You can learn Yerushalmi Makkos—the shortest mesechta in either shas—in about 90 minutes!

Listen Now
A Time for Silence, a Time for Speech
A Time for Silence, a Time for Speech
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

The Chafetz Chaim did most of his writing and public speaking almost exactly one hundred years ago. Nevertheless, he had insights into the problems of his era that were astounding, even prophetic.

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The Custom of Not Eating Gebrochts
The Custom of Not Eating Gebrochts
Halacha Yomis

What is the origin of the custom of not eating gebrochts (matzah dipped in water) on Pesach?

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Book Review: The Shakespeare Haggadah
Book Review: The Shakespeare Haggadah
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Rather than a Q&A, this week Rabbi Jack reviews an unusual new addition to the Haggadah market—the peirush of William Shakespeare!

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The Power of Shame
The Power of Shame
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

There's a distinction between guilt cultures and shame cultures. Ancient Greece, like Japan, was a shame culture. Judaism and the religions influenced by it are guilt cultures. The differences are substantial.

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Featured New Company: Eddie G's Cookies
Featured New Company: Eddie G's Cookies
OU Kosher

Why can't people with only nut allergies enjoy a cookie that is just nut-free and great tasting? This question is the base of Eddie G's Cookies' mission.

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Featured Products
Festivals of Faith: Reflections on the Jewish Holidays
Festivals of Faith: Reflections on the Jewish Holidays
OU Press

Festivals of Faith: Reflections on the Jewish Holidays is a collection of Rabbi Norman Lamm ztz"l's thoughts on the Jewish holidays culled principally from his sermons and divrei Torah delivered while he was rabbi of The Jewish Center in New York City.

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Shalom Rav Vol. II: Vayikra, Bamidbar, Devarim
Shalom Rav Vol. II: Vayikra, Bamidbar, Devarim
OU Press

Shalom Rav is a compilation of Rabbi Shalom Rosner's inspiring and thought-provoking ideas on the weekly parasha, selected and adapted by Marc Lesnick from Rabbi Rosner's hugely popular parasha classes.

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Marketing Positions
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All OU Positions
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