Wednesday, May 18, 2022

FW: [aneinu] No words. Letter from Mother of Meron Injured

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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 5/18/22 12:27 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] No words. Letter from Mother of Meron Injured

As we near Lag b'Omer, we remember the fathers and children who tragically died at Meron last year,  and those who were seriously injured - and their families.

Yossi Reit, the teenager from Ramat Beit Shemesh who was badly injured, is still unresponsive, conscious at times but unable to communicate. 

Michal Reit shared her latest update:

"Hope everyone is doing well, I'm sorry it's been a while since I've been in touch. Not very much new to report; Yossi is bH doing well medically. I don't really see much improvement in his awareness or responsiveness, but people who have come to be with Yossi after a while of absence have mentioned to me that there is definitely a difference. IyH it should be a trend, and even if it takes a while, it would be so good to see his beautiful smile again. 

People keep asking how I'm doing in this hard tekufa of Lag Beomer. Honestly, considering, I think we're doing bH well. Not to say that I don't have my tearful moments.

That place of before:
It's the closing of a year of 
"last year this time, Yossi was....(driving me crazy)", and 
"last year this time we had no idea", and 
"last year this time we took so many things for granted," and 
"last year this time I didn't know Yishai Ribo's songs by heart", and 
"last year this time I hadn't met so many wonderful, special people who care....." 

Yechiel and I are just regular people.  Hashem put us in this situation; but it could have been anyone.....and the way we handle it has been pretty much the same way anyone would who grew up like we did.Growing up in a Bais Yaakov/yeshiva system, kids are showered with stories of yidden and how they handle life.  Some of these stories are about obviously huge tzadikim...and some are just about the watercarriers and wagon drivers.

Even if you don't have the most wonderful and memorable teachers (which I did) you can't escape the hashkafa; it seeps in by osmosis.  
1) Hashem is King of all Kings....the Big Boss.
2) Hashem chose us, Klal Yisrael, to be His people.  He is present at all times and everywhere and His eyes are focused on us.
3) We are not only His subjects, we are His children....and He loves us as a father.
4) He knows the past, future and present of everything on this world and is in charge of THE PLAN.
5) We are but pygmies in understanding.

If you grow up in a home and school system with these understandings as basics, when something not understandable, painful, and overwhelming happens, emunah and bitachon is pretty standard stuff.  Yes, there is pain.  A lot.  There is sadness.  There is wishing it was all a bad dream. And of course there is davening and pleading to change things.  But there is no anger, there is no questioning, and there CERTAINLY is no demanding to know whose fault it is or expecting someone to be punished for what happened.  I really feel sorry for anyone who feels this way.....there must be tremendous cracks in either how they were raised or who they are as a person.  For people like Yechiel and I thinking this way is as easy for us as not eating a comes to us would never occur to us otherwise.  I don't think it as a sign of greatness.  

However, we are blessed with many friends who were not raised this way.  They have had to work to feel this's not such a given for them since childhood.  And they are true heroes.  They are the ones who should speak and be heard.  I cannot fathom the greatness of their souls.  Until now I admired these people; with this new life of mine I cannot tell you how much I admire them anew.  So there it is.....aside from being uncomfortable speaking publicly or being a public personality, I don't even think it appropriate for someone like me to speak with authority on subjects like Emunah and Bitachon. I leave it to the people who really have that challenge and deal with it in the most uplifting and amazing way.  The people whose place after 120 will be much more exalted than mine. Deservedly so.

I want to thank you all for your support, in so many wonderful ways.  Emails, messages, treats, staying with yossi, caring to ask how we are and how yossi is....we are so rich in friends and family.  We could not have made it through this bizzare and difficult year without you all.

But your tefillos is what means so much to us, more than anything.  As long as we know Yossi is still being davened for, we can go through every day knowing that Hashem's answer can still become a "yes!"

In deep appreciation......the whole Reit family

Link to dedicated Tehillim for Yossi's refuah:

To give Yossi more zechuyos, via a Mitzvah or Chesed for 5 minutes daily:

May Yosef Ezriel ben Chaya Michal be blessed with a refuah shelayma, b'soch sh'ar cholei Yisroel.

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